I have got a Voice RCU kit and a ProDK kit. When Using the Voice RCU kit , I can get audio data transfered from the kit to the voice rcu app on my android phone. But when using ProDK, I can not find the ble device searching by the app. I read through the configuration instruction in the B.1 part of UM-B-086, as mentioned in this part , MIC , BMI160 , keyboard can be connect to the ProDK, if I do not connet these components to the kit , will the ProDK work well as a ble audio input device, as I know , in the RCU kit , audio can be simulated into sinwave and triangle wave.
Hi Haitao,
Can you please build your project as rcu_585_ProDK from Select Target option of Keil and then try to download firmware into the Pro DK? Also, all the configurations about the Pro DK are under user_config_ProDK folder.
Thanks, PM_Dialog