I do not understand the functions of ALC_INTEG_RELEASE and ALC_INTEG_ATTACK described in the DA 7212 data sheet.
集的速度输入ut signal envelope is tracked as the signal gets smaller
00 = 1/4
01 = 1/16
10 = 1/256
11 = Reserved (Do not use)
What are the function of ALC_INTEG_RELEASE and ALC_INTEG_ATTACK in the ALC_CTRL3 register?
I am just talking to the team, I will get a reponse to you soon.
Kind regards,
Elliott Dexter
The integer release and attack registers determine how tight an envelope we keep around the signal (see attached).
Typically we want a quick envelope for the attack so that if the signal is increasing quickly we react fast enough to reduce the gain. Conversely we want a slow envelope for the release so that we are not constantly changing the gain (which can result in audible gain pumping).
Typically a good value is ¼ (for the attack) and 1/16 for the release.
Kind Regards,
Elliott Dexter