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Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
加入:2018-02-22 09:20
DSPS - RS232 receive data


Using DSPS device app and code, does the module wakes up automatically when incoming data arrives? Does the device asks for permission to send data via RS232? Is there an application note describing the behavior in more detail?

I can send date from a controller to the BL module and see this data also within the DSPS app but I am not able to send data from the DSPS app to the device. I double checked all the connection and they seem functional.

Kind regards

Last seen:11 hours 16 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi afkiwers,

Hi afkiwers,

的需求方时自动醒来income data arrive, so you should not wake it up manual. Please read theUM-B-038 : User Manual for Dialog Serial Port Profile (DA14580)user manual from our support page for further information about her DSPS. Could you please clarify which board are you using? Is it one of our development boards or it is a custom board? Also, did you modify the DSPS application code? If you connect you board with your PC, could you please let me know if you are able to send data from the DSPS mobile application to a serial monitor?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
加入:2018-02-22 09:20


I use a customised board and the latest version of DSPS from the Playstore.

I fixed the issue and are now able to receive and transmit data. However, another thing I noticed, when measuring the RTS Pin with HW flow control enabled, it pulls the signal to low for some yet unknown reasons. Please see attachment.

Kind regards

Last seen:11 hours 16 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03

Hi afkiwers,

Glad that you figured your problem out. With this way the DSPS application code handshaking the RTS/CTS signal, so what you see is expectable. For more information about the DSPS reference application code, please read theUM-B-038 : User Manual for Dialog Serial Port Profile (DA14580)user manual from our support page. In this document, you will be able to learn about the architecture and the software implementation details of the DSPS.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
加入:2018-02-22 09:20


But this behavior means it would never go to sleep. I find it strange that the device is constantly pulling down and up the RTS pin. As far as I read, the pin should change to be an input with interrupt while in sleep mode. So there should be nothing there, right? This behavior happens even if the DSPS app is not connected.

Another thing, do you have a pure android application for DSPS. My knowledge about Cordova is limited and we would need a functional prototype fairly soon. At the moment I am trying to figure out what exactly I have to keep to keep it functioning.

Last seen:11 hours 16 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi afkiwers,

Hi afkiwers,

The DSPS example doesn't fall in permanent sleep but keeps on waking up and goes to sleep depending on its advertising and connection interval. Regarding your second questions, yes the DSPS reference application come with an SPS demo application for android. Please check the section7 DSPS Android and iOS applicationof the UM-B-038 user manual from our support page.

Thanks, PM_Dialog