Can SDK 6.0.2 support DA14585 Ac Silicon version

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Last seen:9 months 1 week ago
加入:2017-07-25 07:44
Can SDK 6.0.2 support DA14585 Ac Silicon version

Hello Dialog,
We have developed an application using DA14585 DB (AB Version silicon) on SDK 6.0.2. Now we are going for the custom prototype, there the DA14585 SoC is Ac silicon version. Can SDK 6.0.2 support DA14585 SoC Ac silicon version or should we need to port our code to later versions like SDK 6.04, 6.0.6, 6.0.8?

DA14586 DB can be compatible with the DA14585 Pro board for testing and debugging?

Last seen:3 days 15 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi vishnuatdialog,

Hi vishnuatdialog,

You are able to use the SDK6.0.2, but this is a quite old version, so I strongly recommend you to use our latest version of the SKD (v.6.0.8). In this version many bugs have been fixed, and we currently support the latest versions of the SDK. So, my recommendation is to port your code to the SDK6.0.8. Regarding your second question, I am not able to understand what you mean. Could you please clarify it? Do you mean if you are able to connect your custom DA14585 custom board to our development kit? Or to connect our DA14586 daughterboard DK with the Pro DK?

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:9 months 1 week ago
加入:2017-07-25 07:44
Hello PM_Dialog,

Hello PM_Dialog,
Thank you for the clarification. Is there any guidelines document for porting SDK 6.0.2 code SDK 6.0.8?
My second question is if I procure only DA14586 DaughterBoard from you and if we have made a prototype out of DA14586 in both cases DA14585 pro-Dev Kit, is it compatible for debugging and testing?

Thank you

Last seen:3 days 15 hours ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi vishnuatdialog,

Hi vishnuatdialog,

As I mentioned in my previous the SDK6.0.2 is a quite old version so there isn’t any available document for porting SDK 6.0.2 code SDK 6.0.8. The only available document isUM-B-082: DA14585 & DA14586 SDK6 Porting Guidefor porting from SDK 6.0.2 to SDK 6.0.8. Regarding your second question, yes you are able to connect your custom board with our Pro-DK. The details of how you can connect a pro or basic board in order to program the 58x family is described in the FAQ section Development Kits & Reference Design Section "How to program a custom board using a development kit (basic or pro)".

Thanks, PM_Dialog