我真的need help,
I have two devices: One DEV KIT PRO and ONE self made Device with PAN1740. Everything works fine but suddenly something happens:
The Problem: If I configer the DEV KIT PRO as Central and the other Device as Peripherial than it shows that in the Putty:
If the DEV Kit PRO is configered as Peripherial and the other Device is Central it works......
I do not have any ideas more....
Anny Information would be great...
Hi gert186,
Could you please configure your custom board as peripheral and the dev kit as central, run them into debug mode and try to find where the code crash? Could you please make sure that this is the correct BD address?
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Yes it is the correct Address
THere is no crash in the CODE... That is the problem !!!
Hi gert186,
Could you please provide as some analytic log files with you you are sending in the case that is working and in the case that it is not working? This would be very helpful to understand the cause of you problem. Also, you are using the DA14580 connected to one other DA14580, is that correct?
Thanks, PM_Dialog