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Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2017-08-28 08:12

Hi Support Team,

is it possible to program the da14583 with the SEGGER ARM Flasher? We are able to connect to it, but if we want to Programm it, it says: " Could not find CFI compliant flash..."? We use the JFlash Version 6.30c.

Last seen:8 hours 44 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi dirk.peter,

Hi dirk.peter,

We don’t use the SEGGER ARM Flasher and we have never tried to use it. Could you please clarify what you want to do with the SEGGER ARM Flasher? Be aware that we use the Segger J-Link lite ARM in our products, so it is highly recommended to use this one.

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2017-08-28 08:12
We want to use it, to flash

We want to use it, to flash the DA14583 during the production. Normally it is possible to save the Application Code on the Flasher and then flash it by press a button. Another way is to flash it directly from J-Flash. But nothing seems to work. It also doesn't work with J-Flash Lite. With this we can erase it but not read or write it. The only way that works is with the Smart Snippets Studio. But this is bad in the production line. There are too many clicks to do.

Last seen:8 hours 44 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi dirk.peter,

Hi dirk.peter,

As I mentioned in my previous post we don’t use the J-Flash in our products, so I am not able to provide you the proper support from you issue. When you using Smart Snippets to burn the SPI Flash from the appropriate tab, you have two option to do that, through UART or through JTAG interface. Smart Snippets doesn't support any kind of flash by default, so when you hit the connect button and trying to program the flash there is a small firmware that is downloaded into the 58x called flash_programmer.bin in case of UART and jtag_programmer.bin in case of JTAG. When you build the flash_programmer project, you are able to build it as programmer_jtag or as programmer_uart. That’s why it is strongly recommended to use Smart Snippet to program your board. You can find the flash programmer project in the following path of the SDK:DA1458x_SDK\5.0.4\utilities\flash_programmer.

Also, be aware that you are able to use theCommand Line Implementation (CLI)of the tool instead of having too many clicks. For getting more information about the CLI, please read the section 21 Command-line implementation of theUM-B-083 SmartSnippets Toolbox User Manualuser manual. You can download from theSoftware&Toolstab ofDA14580chip from oursupport page. In case of mass production, you can also use the Production Line Tool (PLT). Please visit the link below for getting more detailed information about PLT


Thanks, PM_Dialog