I follow the UM-B-003 to create my application, but I encountered some difficulties about this. I follow each step, but when I verify the application (point 6.6). I am not able to connect to the board with any BLE applications.
Any suggestions ?
Best Regards,
Any suggestions ? I now succeed to connect but I am directly disconnected. I don't know why, and this just with the template project, no modification.
Best Regards,
Hi there, I'm going to send you a draft apps note (Tutorial) that i beleive will help you move forward with this.
BR JE_Dialog
Hi Dialog
I'm facing the same problem .I have followed the UM_B_003 in "my_project" in folder "sample128_after section 7.3.6" but the mobile app light blue does not detect the profile while it detects "diss" and "bass" profiles by Simply adding #include "bass.h" and #include "diss.h" in the user_profiles_config.h in the "empty_peripheral_template" located \SDK 5.0.4\DA1458x_SDK\5.0.4\projects\target_apps\template\empty_peripheral_template\Keil_5.
I Don't know what to do ?
Could you please send me the draft app notes too?
Hi etude ploy,
The UM_B_003 user manual is for SDK3, which is a quite out-of-date version of SDK. It is strongly recommended to use the latest version of theSDK5.0.4. For downloading it, please visit our portal pagehttps://support. dialog-semiconductor.com/然后输入“Connectivity: Bluetooth low energy & 802.15.4”. From the top menu bar click to the “Products” and then select the “DA14580”. In the “Software & Tools” window you could find the latest version of the SDK and all the available updated documentation. For getting started with our new SDK, it is highly recommended to read first the DA1458x Software Developers Guide (UM-B-050) and DA14580 Software Platform Reference (UM-B-051) documents from Documents-> Software Development Kit tab. These documents will help you to understand how the SDK is implemented and how you are able to implement your own applications following the described demos. For your convenience, please click to the links below in order to download the SDK5.0.4 and the documents that I have mentioned:
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi Dialog,
Thank you for your help but what is the manual that I should follow in order to implement a heart rate profile or a thermometer profile when working with the sdk5.04 ? since there are htpt and htpc .I have followed this example "https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/hrps-application-side“但浅蓝色应用在我的电话不显示this profile it shows only diss and bass profiles .I Don't have a sensor yet but i want to get to see a medical profile on the light blue app. Also I Don't know which Template should i use , the one in the "sdk 5.0.4" or in the "sample128_after_section" because i have tried both and no one is working !
Also do you have an example on how to make the app_htpt.c and app_htpt_task.c or any other app file for a medical profile ?
Thank you !
etude ploy
Hi etude ploy,
This past thread is referred to a previous version of the SDK, now it is strongly recommended to use the latest version of the SDK5.0.4. Both of the profiles as are in the SDK has only the implementation of the profile and not how the application will handle it (for example the DISS profile has an implementation of the application side, the DISS profile besides the diss.c and diss_task.c files it also has available the files app_diss.c and app_diss_task.c files, those files give the ability to your application to handle the functionality of the profile itself). So in order to use these profiles you will have to create those file and handle the messages that the profile will exchange with your application. Please have a look at the FAQ's on the support site at the Software Implementation section, there are a couple of FAQ's that explain this aspect of the profile and also both of the profiles that you want to use are standard profile with a 16Bit UUID. The implementation of these profiles, you could found it into the “Profiles & API Documents” tab of our portal page.
Thanks, PM_Dialog