Hi dialog ,
i'm using DA14585 and 6.0.6 SDK version ,my code exceeds the Kiel uVision 32KB limit and i want to build it .i want to port my project to GNU tool chain.
Is there any documentation or a process to port the DA14585 kiel uVision project to the GNU tool chain ?
Best Regards,
Device Number:
Hi blebot,
We don’t support GNU tool, currently only the Keil uVision version is supported for 58x chips.
Thanks, PM_Dialog
Hi dialog ,
Thanks for the reply .
is there any way to build a code which exceed 32KB limit ?
Best Regards,
Hi blebot,
In order to build a 58x project which exceed 32KB limit, you have to buy the full version of Keil uVision.
Thanks, PM_Dialog