Burn SUOTA multi_part.bin using SmartSnippets command line.

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Burn SUOTA multi_part.bin using SmartSnippets command line.

Hi Dialog,

Recently, I incorporated SUOTA function to my DA14580 software by following the document "AN-B-010 DA14580 using SUOTA.pdf" and created multi_part.bin file.
In the document AN-B-010, it says that when you burn multi_part.bin file with SmartSnippets, you should choose "NON-bootable mode". We usually use SmartSnippets from command line at our factory, but I don't know how to specify "NON-bootable mode" from command line.

你能告诉我哪个命令行选项我瘦ld use to specify "NON-bootable mode" ?

Best regards,

Last seen:1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Tetsu,

Hi Tetsu,

Please check in the Smart Snippets Toolbox in the help option there is the User Manual of Smart Snippets UM-B-083, in that document you will be able to find all the available cli commands, the one that you are looking for is command 14 in the CLI for DA1458x and DA14585/6 family chips which will burn the flash, there is an option in this command regarding making the image bootable or not [-bootable], attaching the cli command for your reference.

Executable -type spi -chip chip_version [-clk clk] [-cs cs] [-miso miso] [-mosi mosi] [-jtag jtag_serialNumber | -com_port portNumber] [-baudrate rate] [-gpio pinId] [-uart TxId]
[firmware firmware_file] -cmd write -file filename [-offset ofst] [-max size] [-verify] [-bootable] [-y] [-nomessages messageFilter]

For bunring an image without the bootable header all you have to do is from the later flags is just to suppress the promted messages (the SS will prompt you if you would like to make a bootable image or not, the default is no bootable so you will just have to suppress the extra message). For example:

SmartSnippetsToolbox.exe -type spi -chip DA14580-01 -jtag xxxxxxxxx -firmware jtag_programmer.bin -cmd write -file multipart.bin -y

Thanks MT_dialog