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Last seen:2 years 3 months ago
Joined:2017-11-16 18:00
Current Measurement

Hi guys,

I've developed a custom board using the DA14585 and I'm wondering which is the best way to measure my current consumption. I'm following AN-B-015 document so far, but I'm wondering if I should just measure dirrectly into my custon board, or if there's a way to plug my custom board to the DA14585 PRO-DEVKIT and measure it.

Thanks in advance.

Last seen:1 day 22 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi TMiranda,

Hi TMiranda,

It depends what you would like to measure and how accuratelly you would like to measure it, for example, if you would like to measure the sleep current then you should use a DMM and configure the fw appropriatelly in order to do so (increase the advertising interval in order to be able to get a clean period with no wake ups). In case you would like to measure active periods of the device then you can connect your PCB on the pro dev kit (supply the PCB from the dev kit) and measure the active periods of the device.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 3 months ago
Joined:2017-11-16 18:00
Hi again,

Hi again,

I'm trying to measure the current of my custom board using the method 1, explained on the AN-B-015. I'm using a DA14580-DEVKITPRO (I'm trying to measure the active current of my custom board).
The custom board is being supplied using the J5-1 (vBAT-580) and J5-2(GND). But whenever I place the oscilloscope probes on the J7-3 and J7-1, my custom board turns off, as if I'm closing the supply circuit with my oscilloscope and stoping the supplying to the board. Any tips?

Thanks in advance.

I've tried to follow method 2, changing TP1 and TP2 with TP6 and TP7, and no difference. I'm being measuring the same values, with or without my custom board connected to the devkit.

Last seen:1 day 22 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
I am not able to be aware why

我无法知道为什么定制turns off when you trying to perform this kind of measurement, i suppose since your are using a pro kit you are aware that the J7 on the expert kit is the J1 on the pro kit.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 3 months ago
Joined:2017-11-16 18:00
Yes, I'm aware of that.

Yes, I'm aware of that. Whenever I connect the oscilloscope probes on the J1-1 and J1-3, my board disconnects and nothing is measured, as I've said.

The second method of current measurement didn't work as well. I'll try the third method today.