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Last seen:2 years 10 months ago
加入:2017-11-21 06:48
debug session


I load my BLE application with the Booter in SmartSnippets Toolbox.
I find that the power consumption is lower if I check "Close Debug Session".

If I load the application from OTP, how do I "Close Debug Session"?
Can I do it by calling some API in the program or changing some OTP header field?

Many Thanks.

Last seen:3 days 21 hours ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ligawa,

Hi ligawa,

Yes, if you have the debugger attached the device will not actually go to sleep and will consume more power than when sleeping.

I dont get the second question though, when you use keil and download code you actually download code directly to the sysram, the OTP stands for One Time Programmable, that means that you will burn the OTP once and then upon booting or waking up the hw will mirror the fw into the sysram. So there is no debug session when booting from OTP in order for you to close.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 10 months ago
加入:2017-11-21 06:48


Thanks for replying.

I burn a counting program to OTP with DEV board,
then doing following steps to measure the power consumption:
1. connect SWDIO, SWCLK jumpers
2. open "SmartSnippets Toolbox", make connection in hybrid mode
3. open power profiler
4. press the reset button to load the program in OTP
5. remove SWDIO, SWCLK jumpers
6. press the reset button to load the program in OTP again

From the attached result picture,
we can see the current floor is about 300uA even I remove SWD.

The followings are the result by power profiler,
1. The current floor is about 300uA if loading the code by Booter without "Close Debug Session"
2. The current floor is below 100uA if loading the code by Booter with "Close Debug Session"
3. The current floor is about 300uA if loading the code from OTP by hardware reset with SWD connection
4. The current floor is about 300uA if loading the code from OTP by hardware reset without SWD connection

My question is how to make the power consumption of #4 the same as #2.

Last seen:3 days 21 hours ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ligawa,

Hi ligawa,

Is there a reason that you have connected the SWDIO and SWCLK pins to an allready burned OTP device ? Since you have allready burned the image on the OTP then you dont need those connections, if you simply do a UART connection on the power profiler you will be able to measure the power consumption. The only reason that i can think that when you boot from OTP the power consumption remains high is that either what is burned in the OTP is a fw that doesn't support sleep, or that for some reason the SWD interface remains attached even when you remove the SWD pins.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 1 day ago
加入:2017-10-02 10:38
Hello Dialog team

Hello Dialog team

I have compiled "barebone" code in KEIL-5 IDE and download on DA14585 DK using debug method same as like "https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/connectivity/product/da14585?qt..."

I can see device advertised but after first power cycle device doesn't work mean device only work in debugging mode. I also refer "UM-B-083" document to download bin/hex using smartSnippets tools. I tried to download bin/hex file using both methods UART and JTAG and in both method device advertising but after power cycle again device not advertising and uart prints garbage data.

Could you please suggest me where I am doing wrong? Is there any specific method for programming the firmware so that firmware can work after every power cycle till we not erase the device.

Any help will be appreciated.


Last seen:16 hours 42 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Jitendraprasad,

Hi Jitendraprasad,

This thread is not relative with the post that you have posted. So, please create a new thread the next time. If you download firmware to the System RAM, after the reset or after every power cycle the firmware will be erased and you should download it again. If you want to run the same firmware after every power cycle, you have to download it into the SPI Flash.

Thanks, PM_Dialog