Current consumption issue in extended sleep mode

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Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2016-02-17 07:59
Current consumption issue in extended sleep mode


We developed custom board with DA14586 and current consumption in extended sleep mode is crucial for us. According to datasheet "Current consumption - Typical buck-application in
extended-sleep mode with 64 kB RAM retained, running from XTAL32K oscillator - 2.25 μA". But real current consumption is different from board to board - 2.5uA to 4.5uA(supply voltage is 3V, temperature is about 25°C). I found that supply current also depends on temperature. In colder conditions, current consumption is lower and close to 2.25 μA. In hotter conditions, it can be higher than 8uA.

Current consumption results are the same if I use custom firmware and barebone example project from SDK.

There is no another ICs on board. Information printed on top of the chip is DA14586 00000 1719ZCAA.

What can be a reason for this increased current consumption?

Last seen:3 months 16 hours ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ilnur_muham,

Hi ilnur_muham,

The power consumption that you get on the datasheet is from a characterization fw, the actual power consumption of the device using an SDK project would be about 3.4uA (with the amount of retained RAM that you are mentioning and the XTAL32K). The fact that in higher temperatures you get a higher power consumption values, this has to do with the silicon used, as the temperature rises the consumption will increase and this is a property of the silicon itself. Also be aware that the mentioned power consumption is when the device is sleeping and no advertising or connection interval activity is interiering the measurement (i mention that since the barebone and i suppose your project as well is constantly advertising, so i am not aware if you have provided a sufficient advertising or connection interval in order to measure sleep current). Please check on the 585 product in the tutorial section the Sleep modes current measurement Tutorial.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2016-02-17 07:59
Thank you, but I have

Thank you, but I have additional questions related to that topic.

我测量当前的消费意识mption between advertisements( I set the interval to 8 seconds). What is the difference in Extended sleep mode current consumption with "characterization fw"? How can I achieve 2.25uA current consumption in a real project(instead of 3.4uA)?

Where can I find information about current consumption - temperature dependency?

Last seen:3 months 16 hours ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ilnur_muham,

Hi ilnur_muham,

Currently there are no official measurements regarding the temperature dependency on power consumption of the 585/586. Regarding the characterization fw and the values mentioned by the datasheet, there was a correction in the characterization fw and the datasheet and the actual values reflecting the new power consumption for the fw are located in the new datasheet (3.1v), so in the updated datasheet the power consumption having the same configuration as above is 2.9 uA and not 2.25uA from the characterization fw. Also you are using a 586 which includes a flash, so your power consumption should be slightly higher than the 585 even if you are powering down the flash.

Thanks MT_dialog