Using project exemple sps_host for alternating communication with 2 sps_device

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Alexandre B
Last seen:3 years 3 weeks ago
Joined:2017-12-08 18:19
Using project exemple sps_host for alternating communication with 2 sps_device


I am currently working on a project where a certain device must connect to others subdevice using the DSPS protocol. All the devices are DA14580. The central device is using the sps_host program and the others devices are using the sps_device program. For my testing setup, I plan to have 3 DA14580DEVKT-B, all connected on my PC with TeraTerm (using FTDI chip). One DA14580DEVKT-B will have the software sps_host and the 2 others will the software sps_device.

Using TeraTerm on the sps_host device, is it possible to send it a command to connect to the sps_device of my choice? Or I will have to change the firmware code of the program sps_host to implement such feature? Do you have any starting point/documentations/suggestions in this case?

Thank you and have a nice day!

Last seen:7 hours 4 min ago
Joined:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi Alexandre B,

Hi Alexandre B,

The DSPS code doesn’t support this function, so you can’t send a command to connect to the sps_device of your choice from the sps_host device. The application on the central device automatically starts scanning and connects to the first discovered peripheral device supporting the serial port service. In case you want to implement the above case I can suggest the below options:
• You can have 2 UART ports in your implementation. The first UART will be for the DSPS and the second UART will be for the commands from TeraTerm.
• You can have one UART port and send a command or a “magic number” from sps_host device to sps_device throught DSPS. But in this implementation you should develop
自己的固件的单独的命令received data and then handle the command.
• Instead of using the DSPS, you can use the Codeless application. With this application you can remotely control your peripheral device with a set of AT Commands. Please check the code and the tutorial of Codeless. Maybe you will find it more usable for your implementation than the DSPS.

For downloading the Codeless application code, visit the and then enter to the “Connectivity: Bluetooth low energy & 802.15.4”. From the top menu bar click to the “Products” and then select the DA14580 SoC. Go to the “Reference designs” tab and in the left menu click to the “SmartBond-CodeLess Serial Link”. Scroll down and you can find the Codeless tutorial (HTML) and a file with the application’s code that you can download it.

Thanks PM_dialog