SmartSnippets not connecting via JLink when trying to burn OTP

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最后看到:2 years 11 months ago
Joined:2018-01-16 13:31
SmartSnippets not connecting via JLink when trying to burn OTP


I'm currently trying to burn the OTP on a DA14580 using a JLink interface and SmartSnippets.

When I open a new SS project, I select the JTag button and the software recognizes the JLink device successfully, however upon hitting the connect button in the OTP tab I get an answer stating that it was unable to establish a connection.

I'm using a custom board with a PAN1740, which has been used in other projects, but it is the first time we're attempting to burn the OTP. The hardware connections to JLink have been done according to the schematic in the PAN1740 Design Guide. The JLink device has been tested and it is working normally in our other implementations. We've searched the forums but we havent found an instance where the device is recognized but the actual connection fails when trying to burn the OTP.

We'd like your input on how to solve this issue, since it doesnt seem to be caused by the JLink or the hardware connections.

Best Regards,


最后看到:2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi felipe.ferrazzi,

Hi felipe.ferrazzi,

Well, i dont think that this has to do only with the OTP, are you able to execute any other functionallities, for example, try to interface with the flash (if there is one) or try to download a fw via the Booter using JTAG (if the error occurs when you hit the connect button that means that the fw that should be downloaded that will interact with the SS Toolbox failed) ? So are you able to download any fw in the PAN (either via JTAG or UART if possible) ? Can you please also share the actual message that you get on the Log of the Smart Snippets tool ?

Thanks MT_dialog

最后看到:2 years 11 months ago
Joined:2018-01-16 13:31
Hello. Thank you for the

Hello. Thank you for the reply.

I found out we had an issue regarding the boot order from the DA. Since we were using an old custom board, the DA was interacting with the MCU before enabling J-Tag. I assume the removal of this communication channel is now making the booting sequence test all the remaining options before finally enabling J-Tag, as described in AN-B-001.

不幸的是,这不是完全解决了sue. Now, whenever a connection is attempted via the OTP Image tab, SmartSnippets returns the following message:

[ERROR @18-02-14 14:04:34] Could not read memory.
[ERROR @18-02-14 14:04:34] No known chip found while opening JLink connection. Terminating proccess...
[INFO @18-02-14 14:04:34] Failed downloading firmware file to the board.

When I try to connect via the other tabs(OTP Header, OTP NVDS, SPI FLASH Programmer, EEPROM Programmer), the reponse is only regarding the firmware download failure.

[INFO @18-02-14 14:05:43] Failed downloading firmware file to the board.

It does seem the problem is on the firmware that makes the interface between the board and SmartSnippets. Since we have never burned the OTP and the code used to be sent to the RAM via UART interface, I dont think any configuration in our code is causing the issue. How can this be solved? Is there any way to overwrite or correct the interface firmware, or do we have to use another PAN1740? Any help is appreciated.

Best Regards,

Felipe Ferrazzi

最后看到:2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi felipe Ferazzi,

Hi felipe Ferazzi,

I dont quite get the first statement, when the device starts and the ROM booter runs the last interface that is checked for downloading fw in the jtag, first the device checks all the peripherals UART/SPI/I2C and then it ends up to the JTAG interface.

如果你得到你的消息mention i suppose that this means that the JTAG isn't able to find a device so its not able to download the fw for programming the OTP or the FLASH (which is just an ordinary fw), it has nothing to do with the OTP. Are you able to connect to your board using keil for example ? Or are you able to use UART for connecting to the board (P04 and P05 are one of the default TX/RX pins that the device uses to boot at 57600)?

Thanks MT_dialog

最后看到:2 years 11 months ago
Joined:2018-01-16 13:31
Hello again,

Hello again,

What I meant with the first statement is that since we are using a board which had a previous implementation, it was booting from UART instead of JLink, due to unused hardware connected to the board. This has been fixed, and SmartSnippets returned the messages from the previous post.

This time, we've tried connecting via UART, as you've suggested.

It seems to connect just fine, up to the point it asks for the hardware reset when trying to connect with any of the tools from smartsnippets(OTP, FLASH, SPI, etc).
The issue is that Smart Snippets doesnt seem to recognize the reset signal. According to the PAN1740 user guide, the reset signal is a logical high level input, which is Vdd, however the software wont recognize when its corresponding voltage is input on the RST pin.

We've also tried resetting by cutting and reenabling the power of the board, but the response is the same - no reset is detected, and we just get a timeout message from smart snippets.

I have no idea as to why this happens, as there is no way the board could've kept working, and the RST input has been carefully watched during the procedure. Every step of the reset procedure occurs well within the 16 seconds limit too, before the timeout is given, so the reason for this software behavior is completely unknown to me.

Any ideas as to why this is happening?

Thank you for the responses so far.

Best Regards,


最后看到:2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi felipe,

Hi felipe,

The SS toolbox needs to see a 0x02 from the TX side of the 580, so you must connect one of the default TX pin of the 580 to the RX of the FTDI, when you press the reset the bootloader will start running and the 0x02 will eventually be transmited from the 580, this signifies that the reset was pressed and the bootloader is running so the SS will start interacting with the 580. So have you properly connected the default RX and TX pins of 580 ?

Thanks MT_dialog