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prasanth.velliy ...
Last seen:1年11个月前
加入:2016-02-18 12:18

Hi Dialog

Hi Dialog


My use case is Central will connect to one slave, receive data and once data received, disconnect from slave(app_easy_gap_disconnet(con_id) called from user_sps_client_data_rx_ind_handler() function) then in user_on_disconnection() i have added user_scan_start() so new slaves started scanned and connected (at a time master connects to only one slave) In slave side once slave disconnected from master, slave will enterds into exetended sleep mode.

i have run the master code without connecting to any slaves... i found no issues..

我已经把所有6 t奴隶到1分钟的睡眠ime, my problem is after some time like 12- 18 hrs of execution master gets hanged...i debugged the code, code stops at wrap_platform_reset()...



Thank you ..

Last seen:2个月3周前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi prasanth,

Hi prasanth,

If the device is operating and after 12-18 hours the device hits the platform reset that means that there is a memory leak in the code, a memory allocation that happens most probably in every connection or transaction and its never freed, so eventually you run out of memory and the wrap_platform_reset() occurs. By increasing the heap it wont be that much of a help since even if you do increase it, it will eventually run out as well in a longer period.

Thanks MT_dialog

prasanth.velliy ...
Last seen:1年11个月前
加入:2016-02-18 12:18
Hi Dialog

Hi Dialog



In DSPS master code only once ke_msg_free() was used ... how can i use this to solve my issue ??

在user_sps_host.c => user_on_connection => user_gattc_connection => user_gattc_exc_mtu_cmd()中的主代码在此代码停止之后...

Thank you...

Last seen:2个月3周前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi prasanth,

Hi prasanth,

As mentioned, in your application there should be somekind of memory leakage pilling up after each connection i suppose (when the wrap_platform_reset() occurs make sure that the error code is RESET_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL), you will have to debug this in order to find it, there is no generic method that would allow you to find it. Check if there are any messages that you have send during the customization that you ve done (since this doesn't occur in the original central) and make sure that you are consuming the messages that you get when the message is handled or if you are allocating data they should be freed.

Thanks MT_dialog

prasanth.velliy ...
Last seen:1年11个月前
加入:2016-02-18 12:18
Hi Dialog

Hi Dialog
i have tested by debugging error code was RESET_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL , after commenting all Arch_printf() memory issue disn't happened.

My use case is Central will connect to one slave, receive data and once data received, disconnect from slave(app_easy_gap_disconnet(con_id) called from user_sps_client_data_rx_ind_handler() function) , after this slave will disconnect and go to sleep

/*******************************Slave code ************************************/
void user_on_disconnect( struct gapc_disconnect_ind const *param )
// default_app_on_disconnect(param);
ARCH_PRINTF(“设备已断开\ r \ n”);
//if(Console_print) {
// /****************************UART PRINT FUCNTION***************************************/
// uart_init(Uart_baudrate_115k2,3);
// uart_flow_off();
// uint8_t something2 [] = {“user_disconnected \ n”};
// UART_WRITE((uint8_t *)某事物2,sizeof(something2),null);
// uart_finish_transfers();
// /***************************************************************************************/


wrbl_env2.sensor_read_time_1 = app_easy_timer( 6000, wake_up_sm ); // 1000 -> 10s


/ ********************************************************************************************************** /

/ *********************主侧***************************************************************************** /

if slave discoonected then in master side gapc_disconnect_ind_handler()-> app_on_doiconnection -> user_on_disconnection() will get called ...



Last seen:2个月3周前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi prasanth,

Hi prasanth,


Thanks MT_dialog

prasanth.velliy ...
Last seen:1年11个月前
加入:2016-02-18 12:18
Hi Dialog

Hi Dialog



master <------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->奴隶
-> disconnected , stops advertising -> enters into sleep
Master < - < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - isconnectc指示------------------------>发送断开连接指示掌握
Master <-- Disconnect ind received -----------<-------------
Master <---

有些时候Master没有收到指示,所以user_on_disconnection()没有被叫,(但是我可以看到从站断开连接并进入睡眠),在某些延迟(6 - 7分钟)user_on_disconnection()被调用后,直到常常运行time user_on_disconnect被叫user_on_system_powered()是继续运行

In user_on_disconnection() i am starting user_scan_start(), if this is not called master won't be scanning for new devices....

Thank you

Last seen:2个月3周前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi prasanth,

Hi prasanth,

So to get a more clear pitcure, on the problematic case the user_on_disconnect gets called on the master side (you get the disconnection indication) but not as soon as the slave sends the disconnection request, is that right ? If that is the case then most probably the link is lost for some reason before the disconnection is issued by the slave, and the link is terminated from the superision timeout and not because of the disconnection command send by the slave, because of that the master "thinks" that the link is still valid. Check at the disconnection callback on the master's side when the issue occurs and check what is the reason that stack returns when that happens.

Thanks MT_dialog