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Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
Joined:2017-11-17 08:35
High Power Consumption


i tested the power consumption of my system in Extended sleep mode. The measurement was about 40mA.
So i tested my sdk with the example of the proximity reporter. (Training 04) There is also this high power consumption.
你知道为什么我得到这个高电流?。I use the Basic-Board and i use the DMM on pin 1&2 at J5.
I did the same things like in the pdf-document.

Thanks for your help,


Last seen:4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi DavidW,

Hi DavidW,

What is the example that you are using and are you certain that there is no BLE activity during the time of the measurement, the 1.5uA is when the device is fully asleep and not wake up and sleep due to BLE events. Also the 40mA that you mention are quite a lot for the 580.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
Joined:2017-11-17 08:35


Its the proximity reporter in sdk 5.0.4. I changed the settings of app_default_sleep_mode = ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON and the advertise intervall to 10000 so i can measure with a DMM.
No other changes.
What is a typical value during ble activity.
As you say, 40mA are quite a lot.



Last seen:4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi DavidW,

Hi DavidW,

The device when advertises it will wake up and go back to sleep, the power that the device cosnumes is way less that what you are mentioning, during RX/TX the device consumes about 4mA for a couple of milliseconds during RF activity, even with no sleep the device doesn't reach the value that you mention, if 40mA is the indeed power that you are measuring then something goes tottaly wrong, are you sure that is mA and not uA ? Do you have any external device connected, because even with the flash attached and no sleep, the value that you mention is a lot higher than what the 580 consumes.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
Joined:2017-11-17 08:35
Hi MT_dialog,

Hi MT_dialog,

i'm agree with you that this power consumption is totally wrong.
I send you an image that you can see how i measure this power consumption.
I loaded the hex file of the proximity reporter to the board and disconnect the usb cabel from the board.
After that i started the ble scanner and i can see my board advertising. There is no problem with connecting or reading values. The power consumption rise to 41- 42 mA while reading values.
I think there is something on the board that consumes this high current, but what is it?
I have no external device or anything else that is connected to the board.


Last seen:4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi DavidW,

Hi DavidW,

Well, i see that you have only connected the UART jumpers (not sure i am not able to see that from the picture), and i suppose that means that the device doesn't run any FW and its just the bootloader running (the device doesn't have an embedded flash, if you download anything into the sysram through keil the ), also in order to properly measure the power consumption of the device please check in the Tutorial section the "Tutorial 4 : Configuring sleep mode on DA1458x".

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 7 months ago
Joined:2017-11-17 08:35
Hi MT_dialog,

Hi MT_dialog,

the problem is solved.
After changing the DA 14580 chip the power consumption is in the right section(about 2µA).
I had a problem with an adc-channel (other post) and this was the last try to fix the problem. The chip had an internal damage.
Know i can test the sleep modes with my software for the application.
