Push-button interface - please clarify documentation

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Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2016-07-04 15:43
Push-button interface - please clarify documentation

Docs for SmartTaghttp://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource/um-b-018-smart-tag-2-re...says in "Table 4: Push-button interface":
Connected and ‘find me’ locator
discovered, immediate alert service
on peer device

Action on button press
Write alert characteristic of immediate alert service on peer device.

But I don't understand:
1. who should have "‘find me’ locator discovered"
2. who writes to whose "immediate alert service"

So far my understanding is (as docs says Smart Tag implements "Find me profile, locator role" which may be a bughttp://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/docs-says-smarttag-implements-fi...): Smart Tag discovers a smartphone which should have immediate alert service where Smart Tag will write to when button is pressed.

Last seen:4 years 10 months ago
加入:2016-07-04 15:43
OK, I was able to run it! And

OK, I was able to run it! And my understanding from above is right. Anyway I think docs may have been more clear on that.

Last seen:4 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 34
Hi farmazon3000,

Hi farmazon3000,

The Smart Tag works on both ways, as a locator and as a target, you can either alert your device from your phone and you can also alert your phone from your device. And yes if your Smart Phone supports that specific profile, then the Smart Tag should be able alert it.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 2 months ago
加入:2016-05-03 07:39
Hi there,

Hi there,

I'm picking up the old thread hoping to clear some mud regarding the roles each party has to play:

From the code I can see the smart tag reference design has implemented find me locator in the tag which works as peripheral. I tried using smart tag (iOS) app) and the led flashed when write to the alert service.

If I press the button, I can see in the code that if the phone connected supports IAS, the write to the IAS is done. Now here is the unclear part: when the service discovery is done? Is it done when the phone (central) connects to the tag (peripheral)? Does this mean a reverse service discovery (phone works as peripheral)?

Looks like the smart tag app (iOS) is not processing this - when button is pressed when connected, there is no response in the app.

Can you please clarify how it works?

Last seen:4 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 34
Hi uta_lc,

Hi uta_lc,

Yes, the peripheral upon connection will initiate a discovery to the central in order to enable the find me locator and check if the central supports this kind of service (the Central should act as a GATT server). The application doesn't support this kind of functionallity, but if a phone or app expose the IAS service then the discovery from the peripheral will be able to find it and interact with it in order to act as a locator.

Thanks MT_dialog