SmartSnippets not recognizing JTAG serial number

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Last seen:2 years 3 months ago
加入:2017-03-08 10:32
SmartSnippets not recognizing JTAG serial number

I would like to use SWDIO and SWCLK pins (no uart connection) of the Iot board in order to burn the OTP of a DA14580 . When I open the SmartSnippets, it can see the virtual com port in uart mode but it does not recognize the JTAG serial number. Then I go on with the uart mode and open the project. When I try to use the booter of the program it asks me to press the reset button on the interface board but it does not detect the reset signal .(If I use the uart pins instead, the reset is detected). Could you propose a solution to this problem? You can find the screen picture and the board configuration in the attached.

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi erenvar,

Hi erenvar,

In order to be able to use the JTAG you will have to select the appropriate radio button from the Smart Snippet interface, if you select that (the JTAG radio button) is the Smart snippets still undable to track the serial number of the JTAG and open the Smart Snippets tool using the JTAG interface ? If you go and use the UART you would have to connect the default UART pins of the 580 with the interface board since Smart Snippets needs to track the 0x02 tag which signifies the starting of the bootloading sequence, so as soon as you hit the reset the SS will find the 0x02 tag send by the 580 and will start the fw download procedure. If the tool was able to find the UART then it also should be able to find the JTAG so please check the JTAG radio button.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 3 months ago
加入:2017-03-08 10:32
The JTAG radio button does

The JTAG radio button does not show any serial number. In the latest version of SmartSnippets I also click on the "detect connected devices" option. The messsage below comes up. I guess the Iot interface board I am using satisfies the integrated USB-JTAG option mentioned in the message.

No devices have been detected.
Note that devices are detected via JTAG.
Please make sure that your device has either
an integrated JTAG or a JTAG cable attached.

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi erenvar,

Hi erenvar,

Well the Smart Snippets tool should detected at once the CIB board (the IoT interface board) from the moment you will choose the appropriate interface, if you are not able to see the serial number of the jlink i would say that this means that either the CIB is damaged or perhaps you will need to update the fw in the JTAG, you will be able to do so via the jlink Conifgurator, please try that in case that helps.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 3 months ago
加入:2017-03-08 10:32
I can see the JTAG connection

我可以看到与Keil UVision5的JTAG连接(在目标选项的“调试”选项卡上看到SWD的序列号和IDcode)。我还可以将程序加载到RAM和使用KEIL调试/运行。所以我认为板没有损坏。此外,我还检查了J-Link Configurator,它表示版本是最新的。SmartSnippet仍然无法看到此连接。

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi erenvar,

Hi erenvar,

Well if keil is able to see the JTAG then yes, i dont think that board has any issues, although its kind of strange for SS not to be able to see the JTAG. Have you tried re-installing the Smart Snippets tool in case that helps ? Do you have any other Dialog device in order to test (a pro or a basic kit) ?

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 3 months ago
加入:2017-03-08 10:32


I have an ALPS dev kit which has the module UGMZ2AA . It has no problem seing the JTAG serial on the radio button of SS. But the Dİalog IoT board can't see the JTAG serial although everything else is the same. Isn't this strange??

Last seen:2 months 1 week ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi erenvar,

Hi erenvar,

的确很奇怪,更奇怪的是that keil is able to detect the dongle and not the Smart Snippets tool, and also you have updated the fw on the JTAG device, i am not able to suggest anything extra, but you can try to check this on a different PC (or a different USB port, in case you haven't tried that).

Thanks MT_dialog