We are working on a custom DA 14585 board. The board boots from flash, and since we are not using the default SPI pins, we have programmed the secondary bootloader into the OTP. The sleep mode is extended(without OTP copy). The issues we are facing is :
1.扩展的代码启用了睡眠,当n flashed into the hw, shows inconsistent behaviour. It advertises for some time, and then enters a non responsive state.
2. The same code, with sleep disabled, when flashed into the hw, works fine
Hi wisilica,
I am not able to figure out anything obvious for that behaviour, i can mention a few things in order for you to test.
在这篇文章中,我也错过了一些关于从特定的SPI引脚启动的东西https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bl...in the 585 besides burning the secondary bootloader in the OTP for booting from specific pins the 585 includes a mechanism in order to boot from specific pins and this can be defined in the Boot Specific mapping field of the OTP header, you will be able to find info in the Appendix G and in the datasheet of the 585 in the 4.3.1 OTP Header paragraph, although i dont think that the reason for the behaviour that you are observing is that you 've burned the secondary bootloader in the OTP.
3. Tried loading the firmware directly into RAM using booter, and then the device advertises properly.
SPI CLK = P0_0,SPI_EN = P0_1,SPI_DI = P0_2,SPI_DO = P0_3
boot =正常序列,唤醒命令代码= 00,串行速度选择0
Also, in the secondary bootloader firmware, the only changes made was to define the SPI_FLASH_SUPPORTED and SUPPORT_AN_B_001, and to configure the SPI pins as per our schematic.
Hi wisilica,
Hi wisilica,
What i ve proposed above is to attach the debbuger while the device has booted from flash and the issue has occured in order to try and check where exactly the device stalls and check if this will help debugging the issue (just boot wait for the insident to occur and then attach the debugger - In order to attach the debugger via Keil in the "Debug" tab remove the initialization file and then hit the settings button and uncheck the "Reset after Connect"). Since the device appears to stuck when the seconday bootloader runs, perhaps what you are experiencing is related to that fact, perhaps this is an issue of the secondary bootloader and after running from OTP it doesn't reset a register or something similar and when the device goes to sleep it stalls (although i ve tested running the secondary bootloader from RAM and the SPI pins configured like the case above and having the flash bunred with the ble_app_peripheral the device could directly boot from the SPI flash on the specified pins and run as it should, so again i am not able to connect the secondary bootloader with the fact that the device stalls). You should also try to burn the OTP header with the Boot specific mapping flag set to the pins that you would like and check if the device operates that way.
How do we attach the debugger to the board while it is running ? After re-powering the board, the device begin to boot from flash, and then after few seconds it halts. When do we need to start the debug session ? I suppose the debug session, dumps the firmware into RAM. So, how do we know the point where the code halts ?
Also, the Application programmed flags 1 and 2 are configured as YES, OTP DMA length as 1FC0 and SWD enable flag as JTAG enabled in the OTP header. The snapshot of the same is attached herewith(OTP header smart snippets). Kindly see if any configuration is missing.
Also, the issue does not happen consistently. In certain runs of the same firmware, the issue is not observed, and the device works correctly. Kindly suggest the reasons for the same.
Hi wisilica,
Use the same project that you have used in order to build the .hex file that you have burned into the flash, boot the device from flash as you normally do and then follow the instruction i 've provided above in order to prevent keil to download an image to the device and prevent the reset from the JTAG (要在“debug”选项卡中通过keil附加调试器,请删除初始化文件,然后点击设置按钮并取消选中“连接后的”重置“). After doing that just hit the "Start/Stop Debug Session" and you will be able to attach to the custom board (you should not reset the device before attaching the JTAG or let keil do that for you, that is why you should first prepare the above settings and then start the procedure, for example, of you hit the "Settings" the jlink will reset the device if the "Reset after Connect" is checked). The hit the "Stop" button in order to stop execution (or the fw might be allready halted) and check in assembly mode if the device is stuck somewhere you will be able to see this and via the map file you will able to see on which function the device has stopped.
关于OTP的设置,since the device is able to boot properly from the SPI the mirroring procedure is ok, there is no need to program the OTP DMA as it is used only when the device switches off the sysram as well, so the OTP will have to know how much data to copy upon wake up (also the value that you have placed is for the 580 which has a smaller OTP, but in any case this should not have any effect to what you are experiencing). Anyway, also burned a 585 device with a secondary bootloader and booted from the indicated SPI pins, again the device is operating as it should with no issue.
If that issue doesn't happen consistently, does that mean that the issue is likely to occur even when the fw is downloded via JTAG ? So perhaps there is no connection between the issue and downloading via the flash ?
We have not observed the issue while loading the fw directly into RAM till now. Also, on building the code, the size of various memory sections is as follows:
Program Size: Code=20808 RO-data=2892 RW-data=600 ZI-data=8400
Now, on clicking the start debug session tab, and then on stopping it, I am not able to view the assembly window. Are there any settings missing ?
Hi wisilica,
What you be 've posted is just the size of the binary generated from keil, doesn't have to do anything on what you are experiencing. The values that you have posted is the size of the Code (20808) RO data (2892) is the size of constant data, RW data (600) are your variables and ZI data (8400) is the size of your zero initialized variables. Please check what i ve mentioned above and also give it a try with a simple BLE SDK example and check if the same issue occurs. Regarding the disassembly window, you will have to enable it in order to see the Disassembly window, just go in "View" and click on the "Disassenbly Window".
这是什么意思 ?
Please try using the firmware I have shared, in a board which can boot from the pins I have described earlier.
CLK - P0_0,CS - P0_1,DI - P0_2,DO - P0_3
The portion of the code that you see in the disassembly window is the instruction executed right after resuming from sleep in order to fetch the arch_resume_from_sleep() function, that means that the device doesn't halt but the code keeps on executing and this is where the device will stop when attaching the debugger. So in my point of view the device still operates despite the fact that you are not able to see the device on the air.
So as far as i can tell the device is operating, and the only clue that we have is that when loaded via secondary bootloader and then the flash after a few advertising strings emmited you are not able to see any advertising anymore. The next step would be to check the power consumption of the device, you can power the custom board from the pro kit and use the power profiler in order to check the power consumption of the device, this will let us know if the device is actually emmiting advertising strings and for some reason the device on the other side isn't capable receiving (for example your XTAL16 perhaps is off and your dont transmit at the same frequencies), or if for some reason it looses the BLE events and just wakes up without executing the advertising (for some reason it wakes up too late and the stack cancels the BLE activity), are you performing any temperature tests and you get that issue ? Also you might wanna check the power source for any drops.
Tested the fw that you have uploaded and run it from a device with a burned secondary bootloader in the OTP booting from the pins that you have indicated, the fw properly booted advertised with no issue and i could properly connect on it, i suppose that what you are experiencing is due to a h/w issue, and not due to the bootloader or the sw that the flash has.