BASIC tutorials with pictures for BASIC kit

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Last seen:3 years 2 months ago
Joined:2017-10-28 15:32
BASIC tutorials with pictures for BASIC kit


what I have to do to get some BASIC tutorials for basic kit?! All current stuff contains information only for pro kit and there are lot of words but no pictures and samples!

I tried to test the peripherals demo but there are too many not working stuff. For example:

UART do not work with default configuration because default baud rate 115200 do not work on basic kit by default! Thanks to: I wanted to crash the kit.

Now I want to use ADXL362 with this demo and I'm not able to do that because I do not know how to enable power (all V33 pins are without power). Why the tutorial does not contain any picture of connected peripheral? At least one picture of used pins for easy and fast connection without searching in sources. Is it too complicated to make easy step by step tutorial with descriptions, samples and pictures? I really miss that.

Too much spent time for nothing... :(

Please make some simple tutorials for beginners!

Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ceffa,

Hi ceffa,

我假设您在68 x famil感兴趣y (you have tagged your ticket as a 580 but the ticket that you are reffering to is for the 68x) and also the code provided for the SDK is working for the basic and the pro kit as well.

Regarding you request on tutorials that will indicate how to operate the peripherals demo and easy connection, i will pass your suggestions on the documentation team but for the moment there are no tutorials that will indicate how to connect the each peripheral one by one used for the peripherals demo, since a special PCB that embedds all the sensors that are being used from the demo.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 2 months ago
Joined:2017-10-28 15:32


Oh, sorry it is DA1468x. I fixed it....

I'm sorry because new version of "UM-B-056 User Manual: DA1468x Software Developer's Guide" contains new image and information about the UART connection for basic kit and I have no longer problem with that.

But I have a new question regarding the peripheral demo. When I wanted to try the time0 demo there is some issue with blinking and I have no idea what's wrong. Can you please check the assigned video? I use the default code without any change.



Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ceffa,

Hi ceffa,

I would suggest you to try the demo with a clear SDK, run the timer0 demo on a clean SDK and i wasn't able to replicate what you are presenting on the attached video, the demo was running as it should be.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 2 months ago
Joined:2017-10-28 15:32

I have absolutely clear SDK and the issue is remaining. :( The build is attached.

. ......................................................................................................................
. .
. .QSPI编程
. .
. ......................................................................................................................

JlinkGDBServer path used: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V612i"
. ......................................................................................................................
. .
. .
. ......................................................................................................................

Product id options:
0: DA14680/1-01
1: DA14682/3-00, DA15XXX-00 (default)
Product id ? (0..1 or [ENTER] for 1)
-> 0


. ......................................................................................................................
. .
. .
. ......................................................................................................................
cli_programmer 1.25
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Dialog Semiconductor

Configuration saved to C:\Users\Kefurt\AppData\Local\Temp\cfg_19069.ini file.

C:\Users\Kefurt\workspace_SmartSnippets_Studio\DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.12.1078\utilities\scripts\qspi>"..\..\..\binaries\cli_programmer.exe" --cfg "C:\Users\Kefurt\AppData\Local\Temp\cfg_19069.ini" --prod-id DA14681-01 gdbserver write_qspi_exec "C:\Users\Kefurt\workspace_SmartSnippets_Studio\DA1468x_DA15xxx_SDK_1.0.12.1078\projects\dk_apps\demos\peripherals_demo\DA14681-01-Release_QSPI\peripherals_demo.bin"
cli_programmer 1.25
Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Dialog Semiconductor

bootloader file not specified, using internal uartboot.bin

Reading from address: 0x50003200 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00000001
Reading from address: 0x50003201 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00000001
Reading from address: 0x50003202 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00000001
Reading from address: 0x50003204 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00000001
Reading from address: 0x5000320a offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00000001
编写添加ress: 0x00000000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00002000
编写添加ress: 0x00000000 offset: 0x00002000 chunk size: 0x00002000
编写添加ress: 0x00000000 offset: 0x00004000 chunk size: 0x00002000
编写添加ress: 0x00000000 offset: 0x00006000 chunk size: 0x00002000
编写添加ress: 0x00000000 offset: 0x00008000 chunk size: 0x00002000
编写添加ress: 0x00000000 offset: 0x0000a000 chunk size: 0x00002000
编写添加ress: 0x00000000 offset: 0x0000c000 chunk size: 0x00001e08
编写添加ress: 0x00000000 offset: 0x00000000 chunk size: 0x00000002

. ......................................................................................................................
. .
. .
. ......................................................................................................................

Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ceffa,

Hi ceffa,

Tested your build on a basic kit and operates as it should, perhaps this is an issue of the FTDI that you are using, since am not able to replicate what you observe.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 2 months ago
Joined:2017-10-28 15:32

You are right! I fixed the issue by new FTDI and everything is working fine now...
Thanks! :-)

Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ceffa,

Hi ceffa,

Thanks for indicating that.

Best Regards MT_dialog