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Last seen:11 months 7 hours ago
Joined:2015-03-17 08:16


I have purchased a custom DA 14580 beacon tag hardware. While running the ble_app_barebone project, the advertisement works fine when sleep is disabled. But, on setting the app_default_sleep_mode to ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON, the device execution stops abruptly after first few advertisements. Please suggest the possible reasons for the same.


Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi wisilica,

Hi wisilica,

Can you please let me know which reference design have you purchased, if its the Battery Powered beacon then there is no XTAL32 on the reference design and you should switch the SDK to the RCX in order to operate when going to sleep. Please check da1458x_config_advanced.h file and change the CFG_LP_CLK from LP_CLK_XTAL32 to LP_CLK_RCX20.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:11 months 7 hours ago
Joined:2015-03-17 08:16


谢谢你的回复。设备工作正常,after changing the CFG_LP_CLK to LP_CLK_RCX20 . But I am facing another issue. The current consumed is around 1.2mA, even in sleep. The device boots from flash. Why am I getting such huge values during advertisement and sleep ? Please suggest possible reasons for the same, and a suitable solution.


Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi wisilica,

Hi wisilica,

Most probably because of the flash, you will need to power down the flash using the appropriate command, please check the spi_flash_power_down() function that will issue the power down command. The power down command is 0xb9 for the supported flashes. Also please remove the JTAG connections, this will also cosnume power while operating in sleep mode.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:11 months 7 hours ago
Joined:2015-03-17 08:16


谢谢你的回复。For easy debugging, I am currently using the prox_reporter project.The sleep mode is by default extended. The only changes I made is setting CFG_LP_CLK to LP_CLK_RCX20, and calling spi_flash_power_down() in default_advertise_operation(). The firmware is directly programmed to the external flash, and the OTP is empty. I am using a digital multimeter connected in series with the custom DA14580 board and a CR2032 battery for measuring the current(the image depicting the connections are attached herewith). The current I am getting is still high and is upto 0.8mA - 1mA. The CS pin also remains high. The reference design that of dialog beacon is followed for the hardware.

Why does the board draw so much current ?


Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi wisilica,

Hi wisilica,

Regarding measuring the power, the lowest power consumption that you can achieve is while the device is in sleep mode (constant sleep mode), if the device is sleeping and waking up for advertising the tool that you are using is going to average the value of the waking up procedure along with the advertising, so is the device in constant sleep mode or its advertsing. Additional power can be due to leakages from misconfigured pins etc.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:11 months 7 hours ago
Joined:2015-03-17 08:16


I tried programming the smart_tag code into the custom board. The intv_min and intv_max have been set as 8000 which makes the advertising interval as 5s(8000 * 0.625). The default sleep mode is extended. So, ideally after advertisement is completed(which takes around 3ms), the rest of the time(ie, 5000 - 3), the device should remain in sleep mode. I checked the code on the PRO development board with DA 14580 daughter board, and was able to get sleep current of approx 2uA. But on checking the same on the custom board, around 1mA current is consumed. What could be the possible reason ? We are using the tag hardware of APRIL BROTHERS as our custom board.


Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi wisilica,

Hi wisilica,

I am not aware of the custom board that you are refering to but since the fw operates as it should on a pro dev kit, then apparently something is wrong with the custom PCB that you are using (most probably an assembly issue that causes that leakage or additional components on the board that cause that extra current). The device shouldn't consume 1mA even with no sleep with the JTAG attached, there is nothing specific regarding the hw side that i can recommend in order for you to check that when going sideways would result in 1mA current.

Thanks MT_dialog