Can a Java application be developed which does the same job as SUOTA app with DA14681

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Last seen:3年5个月前
加入:2017-11-20 07:49
Can a Java application be developed which does the same job as SUOTA app with DA14681


I am working with a Linux based BLE gateway (ReliaGATE 10-05) and DA14681 basic BLE development board. Now I have to perform SUOTA through the gateway. I know we can use the Android app to update, but in my case it should be done via the gateway only. Is it possible to develop a Java application which does the same task as the android app does? Are there any unforeseen blockade in this way?

Thanks in advance,
Vinesh CH

Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi vinesh_gowda,

Hi vinesh_gowda,

I am not able to answer your question with certainty since i am not aware of the platform that you intent to your, in order to update the software using SUOTA you will need to implement a central that supports the SUOTA profile, scans, connects on a SUOTA enabled device, performs the discovery and the update following the SUOTA procedure. You will be able to find the SUOTA source code on the support site and also you will be able to find an implementation for a SUOTA central in the 68x SDK (ble_suota_client).

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3年5个月前
加入:2017-11-20 07:49
让我make it a bit more

让我make it a bit more clear to you. The gateway has OSGi Framework in it and I have to develop a jar file which runs on the gateway and so far I am able to scan for DA14681 from the Gateway, connect and even fetch the characteristics and Services of the BLE board. I want to proceed from here. I could not find complete step by step quide for SUOTA.

Thank you

Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi vinesh_gowda,

Hi vinesh_gowda,

There is no complete step by step on how to develop a SUOTA central for a different platform or a complete porting guide on how to do what you are trying if that is what you are looking for, as mentioned above you can use the allready existing projects in order to develop your SUOTA central. You can also have a look to the AN-B-003.pdf which is located to the 580 product web page, in the "Documents" section, at the "Discontinued application note, SDK3 documents", the document is quite old and concerns the 580 implementation of SUOTA but the scenarios between the SoCs are quite similar, so this document can provide some help during your task.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3年5个月前
加入:2017-11-20 07:49
Thank you very much Sir/Madam

Thank you very much Sir/Madam. I have gone through the AN-B-003.pdf and trying to develop the application based on it. It woud be very helpful if you can guide me where to find the existing Projects of SUOTA central. Whether on Dialog's Website or else where.

Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi vinesh_gowda,

Hi vinesh_gowda,

Please follow the instructions in order to be able to find and download the anrdoid/ios source code:

Go to the products page and select one of the products 58x or 68x, after the page loads select the "Software & Tools" tab and then open the "Mobile" section, there you will be able to find the SUOTA source code.

Regarding the central example of the 68x, you will be able to find the demo in the SDK in the following directory, \DA1468x_SDK_BTLE_v_1.0.6.968\projects\dk_apps\features\ble_suota_client.

Thanks MT_dialog