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Last seen:1 year 11 months ago
Joined:2016-02-18 12:18
Beacon for DA14583

Hi Dialog Support

我用Da14580——灯塔sdk 5.40.2工作状态ng fine , i want to use this sdk for DA14583 , what are the changes i have to make ??

Thank you

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi prasanth.velliyangiri,

Hi prasanth.velliyangiri,

Well the beacon project wasn't build with the provision that it will operate over a 583, but the mod should not be that difficult to perform in order to do so. You can start with by defining in the "Options for Target"->"C/C++" the __DA14583__ in order for the proper pins to be configured, after doing that you should either comment the RESERVE_GPIO() or place a hash define in order to avoid further reservation of the pins when the 583 is defined (the mentioned instructions are located in the user_periph_setup.c file), you should change only the reservations the configuration in the set_pad_functions() should remain as is. After doing that you should be able to download and run the beacon code on the 583 and interact with the flash. Apart from the above perhaps there should be other minor tweeks that should be done, but you will have to test the device in order to find and apply them.

Thanks MT_dialog