Firmware loading using OTP

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Firmware loading using OTP

Hello Dialog_Support,

My project is in final stage. I want to download the firmware on custom board using OTP.
can anyone help me what pins to connect from hardware and procedure to download .HEX file via OTP.
Are there any changes i have to do it in firmware file.

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 months 9 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

You will have to connect to the 580 either via JTAG or via UART, the Smart Snippets tool will allow you to access the OTP and burn the .hex file that you have created. The tool in order to burn the OTP is the OTP programmer. On the fw side make sure that the have undefined the CFG_DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG and if you would like define the CFG_BOOT_FROM_OTP.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Hello MT_dialog,

Hello MT_dialog,
Thank you for the response.
Will follow the mentioned steps.

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Hello MT_dialog,

Hello MT_dialog,

If we use UART then which UART pins are recommended for OTP programming.

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 months 9 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

The UART pins that the 580 checks during the booting procedure are standard and each of those pins have a standard baud rate (you can check the pins and the corresponding baud rate from the AN-B-001 document). Any of those pins can be used in order to download a fw in order to program the OTP

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Hello MT_dialog,

Hello MT_dialog,

Thank you for the response.
I have referred the document for UART pins.
Now my question is, in document UM-B-049 mentioned connect J3 jumper during OTP programming. Do is need to make follow the same for my custom board.

2nd thing is, i am bit confuse between VPP and 6.8V supply . Can you please explain me in detail regarding the same.

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 months 9 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

In order to burn the OTP you need the programming voltage, that is what the J3 jumper does, it applies the 6.8V power on the Vpp pin in order for the OTP to be burned, and yes you should apply this kind of voltage to the Vpp of your custome design in order to program the 580. Regarding the VPP and 6.8V, you would like explanations regarding what exactly ?

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Thank you the response.

Thank you the response.

For OTP programming i have done the following connection:(UART connection)
Mother board Custom board
PO_4 P0_4
P0_5 PO_5

After connecting both board pins, I have tried programming OTP using SmartSnippets but i am getting RST errors,
@Reset signal not detected for more than 16000 msecs.
@ Failed downloading firmware file to the board.

Is the above procedure is correct? if yes then why i am not able to read RST pin.
Please help me to resolve the issue, it's very urgent and necessary for me to resolve issue.

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 months 9 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

Regarding your connections you mention that you connect the P04 of the motherboard to the P04 of the custom board, if you would like to use the FTDI of the motherboard then you have to connect the pins of your custom board to the RX/TX pins of the FTDI that the Dialog motherboard has. The P04 and P05 pins since there is no 580 on the daugher board slot are not connected anywhere. Please also have a look at your other post.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Hello MT_dialog,

Hello MT_dialog,

I didn't get this point,
if you would like to use the FTDI of the motherboard then you have to connect the pins of your custom board to the RX/TX pins of the FTDI that the Dialog motherboard has.
Means how to connect these pins?
Is there any FTDI pin provision on motherboard to connect Tx/Rx of custom board pins.

And regarding my flash related post
I am not getting where to check it.
means if i open smartsnippets and use terminal tool and say start in log i getting, @Booter com port opened successfully.
I didn't get what exactly do you mean.
Please explain me if i am configuring something wrong or following wrong procedure to burn .HEX using OTP or SPI_Flash.

Thanks and Ragards

Last seen:2 months 9 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

自定义董事会应该公开pins that the 580 can boot from, so in order to get access to those pins you need a serial device that will allow you to interact with the device, most probably an FTDI cable. The pro motherboard has an FTDI onboard so you can use that in order to access the pins that the custom board. The TX/RX pins of the FTDI on the motherboard are right across to the P04 and P05 that the motherboard exposes in order to program the device that is attached on the slot of the pro kit's daughterboard. So you will have to do the same connections as the daughter has. Please check the Pro Motherboard schematics to get a clear view of what i am describing.

The Smart Snippets tool (when the UART interface is chosen) connects through the UART and downloads a special fw that accepts the commands in order to burn the flash of the OTP (that is what happens when you hit the connect button and the SS promts you to press the reset). If you connect the P04 and P05 pins an FTDI cable and open a terminal you should see garbage printed on the terminal, that means that the 583 is looking for device to boot from, that is what Smart Snippets sees and downloads that "special" firmware.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:8 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Hi MT_dialog,

Hi MT_dialog,

Thank you for the response, it help lot to detect custom board RESET pin.
Now i am able detect reset pin, but i am getting the error to write on OTP. I have attached the screenshot. Is there anything do i need to setup in smartsnippets board file.

And regarding SPI_Flash i am getting following error log,
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:15] Firmware File F:\DiaSemi\SmartSnippetsStudio\Toolbox\common_resources\flash_programmer.bin has been selected for downloading.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:15] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:15] Started download procedure...
[ACTION SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:16] Please press the hardware reset button on the board to start the download process.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:17] Reset detected
[INFO Booter @17-11-03 12:53:18] Successfully disconnected from port COM6.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:19] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened.
[INFO Booter @17-11-03 12:53:19] Successfully disconnected from port COM6.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:19] Successfully downloaded firmware file to the board.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:19] Successfully configured SPI Flash ports and pins.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:33] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened.
[INFO Booter @17-11-03 12:53:33] Successfully disconnected from port COM6.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:33] SPI Memory erasing completed successfully.
(信息SPI Flash程序员@17-11-03 12:53:33]意图ding memory to verify its contents after erase...
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:33] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened.
[INFO Booter @17-11-03 12:53:33] Successfully disconnected from port COM6.
[ERROR SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:33] Verification failed at address 0x00
(信息SPI Flash程序员@17-11-03 12:53:33]意图ding memory to refresh memory contents....
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:33] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened.
[INFO Booter @17-11-03 12:53:33] Successfully disconnected from port COM6.
(信息SPI Flash程序员@17-11-03 12:53:33]意图ding has finished. Read 32768 bytes.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:52] Started burning memory with 25064 bytes of data at address 0x00000.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:52] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened.
[INFO Booter @17-11-03 12:53:59] Successfully disconnected from port COM6.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:59] Memory burning completed successfully.
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:59] Reading memory to verify SPI FLash memory contents after burn...
[INFO SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:53:59] Connection to COM6 port has successfully opened.
[INFO Booter @17-11-03 12:54:06] Successfully disconnected from port COM6.
[ERROR SPI Flash Programmer @17-11-03 12:54:06] SPI FLash memory verification failed. Error at address 0x00

Please help

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 months 9 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

From the Smart Snippets tool i see that this is a 583, that means that part of the OTP is allready bunred with the 583 bootloader and that means that since its a 583 you cannot burn an image to the OTP but only an advanced bootloader in order to specify an additional bootloading procedure (please check the UM-B-012_DA14580_581_583 Creation of a secondary boot loader). Bottomline is that you cannot burn an application image to the OTP of a 583, only an additional bootloader. The error that you get from the tool is that the image that you are trying to burn is very large for the amount of OTP memory left.

Thanks MT_dialog