Hi Dialog expert
I would like to implement range extender on DA14585 using SDK 604
I look at reference design Range Ext example and try to move the code to SDK604 but fail
I wounder that DIAGPORT_SEL and DIAGPORT_REVERSE seems to be removed at datasheet.h on SDK604.
I modify the app_range_extender_enable on app_range_ext.c as following
void app_range_extender_enable(void)
//SetBits32(BLE_CNTL2_REG, DIAGPORT_SEL, 0); // BLE diag port
//SetBits32(BLE_CNTL2_REG, DIAGPORT_REVERSE, 0); // diag port not reversed
SetBits32(BLE_CNTL2_REG, 0x18, 0); // BLE diag port
SetBits32(BLE_CNTL2_REG, 0x20, 1); // diag port not reversed
// Select signals
SetBits32(BLE_DIAGCNTL_REG, DIAG1, 0x28);
SetBits32(BLE_DIAGCNTL_REG, DIAG2, 0x08);
// Enable Diagnostic at BLE core
//SetBits32(BLE_DIAGCNTL_REG, DIAG0_EN, 1); // enable Diag ports.
// Enable Diagnostic at GPIO multiplexing
SetBits16(P04_MODE_REG, PID , 18);
SetBits16(P04_MODE_REG, PUPD, 3); //TXEN = P0_4
SetBits16 (P02_MODE_REG、PID、18);
SetBits16(P02_MODE_REG, PUPD, 3); //RXEN = P0_2
// SetBits16(P07_MODE_REG, PID , 18);
// SetBits16(P07_MODE_REG, PUPD, 3); //wlan coexistence = P0_7
I would like to use P0_4 as TX enable and P0_2 as RX enable.
Do anyone give me some tips to make it works?
Hi singhui,
The register file regarding how to enable the diagnostics is a bit different from the 580 and the 585, there is no DIAGPORT_SEL or DIAGPORT_REVERSE bitfields in the BLE_CNTL2_REG and that is why those are ommited by the datasheet.h file, therefore the driver for the range extender is not compatible with the 585. There is no official release of a range extender reference design on the 585 but i trust that soon is going to be released, .
Thanks MT_dialog