RF Transmission tests to be done with 1458x based products

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Last seen:11 months 4 days ago
加入:2015-03-17 08:16
RF Transmission tests to be done with 1458x based products

Does Dialog has any test setup hardware and tools to do RF Transmission and Reception tests(to measure Tx power, Tx packet count Rx sensitivity etc) and set frequency trim?
Since we have a line of IoT products under evaluation, we are looking for a minimal setup other than Production Line Hardware and tools.

Rajesh Kumar V

Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi wisilica,

Hi wisilica,

prod_test sw(弗兰克-威廉姆斯that the 585 should run when executing the tests) and the prodtest.exe program as well as the GUI version named RF Master (tool in the Smart Snippets Toolbox) that implements the Bluetooth SIG standardized receiver and transmitter HCI commands and some additional custom test HCI commands. You can have a look at the help of the Smart Snippets at the RF master section or you can have a look at the UM-B-008 which documents the CLI version of the tool and all the corresponding commands.

Thanks MT_dialog