Hello Dialog_support Team,
I am using DA14583 board for development purpose. While flashing the spi using SmartSnippet Studio(Version:, i am getting error like "Failed reading memory at address 81FE8".
I have attached the pdf file, which shows spi flash error in SmartSnippet Studio.
Please help me out.
Thanks and Regards,
Ruchi Patel
Hi Ruchi Patel,
On the top of the Smart Snippets tool i see that the tool is not connected to any device,Tracker_flash1@none[DK:DA14583-00], instead of that and if the tool has found a device on the other side of the link should mention either:
Perhaps you should check why that happens, do you select from the initial dialog a proper interface for example ? And if yes which interface is that ?
Thanks MT_dialog
Hello MT_Dialog,
Thanks for the reply. I came to know that device should be connected via either UART or JTAG. So i have tried to connect my device using JTAG and now i am able to see the device is connected likeTracker_flash1@JTAG. Still i am getting error. I have attached image of SmartSnippet Studio in that you can see error. Please suggest me how to solve this error.
Thanks and Regards,
Ruchi Patel
Hi Ruchi Patel,
我想您使用的是定制板而不是开发工具包,对吗?请确保vcc\ U闪存已通电,以便闪存通电。同时尝试重置电路板,然后再次尝试按“连接”按钮。
Thanks MT_dialog
Dear Dialog_support Team,
Yes i am using custom board. Vcc_flash pin is powered. I have also tried to reset the board before hitting "connect" button but my problem remained same. In Smartsnippet tool, i have selected UART/SPI option to download the code into flash but i got reset related issue. I have attached screenshot of the error. Can you tell me what could be the problem with reset pin?
Thanks and Regards,
Ruchi Patel
Hi Ruchi Patel,
如果您选择了UART/SPI,这意味着设备将通过UART接口连接,这意味着您必须连接RX/TX UART引脚,这些管脚用于在“连接”过程中将flash编程器下载到设备中,这也是智能代码段接收到设备重置的方式。
Thanks MT_dialog
嗨,我面临着同样的problem as yours. do you know how to resolve this? cause i don't see anything that make me resolve my problem from what the MT_dialog answer. please guide me to resolve this if anyone can resolve this problem.
kind regards
Hi Kevleo94,
Please check your other post:
Thanks MT_dialog
Hello Kevin,
Yes we are able to resolve the problem with the help of Dialog_Support.
我们面临the same issue. You have to make sure few things before burning .hex file into flash.
2. UART Pins P0.4 and P0.5 of custom board must be connected to FTDI Pins(which are right across P0.4 and P0.5 motherboard).
3. Make sure GND and Vcc pins of your custom board must be connected to mother board's ground and Vcc pins respectively.
4. After connecting all these pins using SmartSnippet Studio, you can burn your firmware into flash. (In SmartSnippet Tool, Please select the UART/SPI option-> Upload your .hex file-> press "connect" option -> press "reset" button of your motherboard -> "erase" the flash -> "burn and verify")
Note: we have used DA14580 Pro kit.
隐马尔可夫模型。。它的功能是什么connecting P0.5 to VCC? or do you mean to pull up the Tx and Rx pin?
As per my knowledge, by connecting Vcc_Flash pin to Vdd means enabling the spi_flash pins. DA14583 has internal spi_flash so by connecting vcc_flash pin to vdd, flash pins will enabled.
oh.. i'm sorry. i used da14580. but I'm facing similar problem with you.
DA14583 has internal flash but DA14580 does not have internal flash. my email id isruchi.patel35@gmail.com.