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Last seen:3 years 3 months ago
加入:2016-12-05 10:29
Advertise sensor value

I have a temperature sensor and i want to advertise the value that the sensor is reading.
I am using the ble_app_profile project and i have already added a temperature characteristic and i can change the description value in user_custs1_def.h but it only accepts a constant value .
So, which is the proper way to advertise the sensor value?

Thanks in advance

Last seen:2 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Lora,

Hi Lora,

我不确定我得到这个问题,the advertising data has nothing to with the service that a device has, also i dont get what you mean that "the description value in user_custs1_def.h only accepts a constant value". The proper way to advertise data from the sensor is to place those data in the advertising string and not in a characteristic, so you will have to place the value read from the sensor in the advertising string, you can have a look at the barebone example in order to check how to change the advertising string.

Thanks MT_dialog