DA14580 vs DA14680 beacon advertising power consumption

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Last seen:1 year 10 months ago
加入:2015-09-10 04:04
DA14580 vs DA14680 beacon advertising power consumption

Hi Dialog,

你能clarify if I am interpreting the application notes correctly:

According tohttps://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/system/files/resources/AN-B-037...BLE advertising 2500msec power consumption is 15.3561 mA average. (could you clarify row 4 in Table 1 is for 2500msec advertising interval?)

According tohttps://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/connectivity/reference-designs?...power consumption of DA14580 results in "3 years and 8 months at 2500msec advertising interval" using 225mAh battery - which works out to 7.0 mA average. Is this correct?

你能provide some details about the difference in these two power measurements? Can these two power consumption values be compared side by side, or are there additional considerations?


STS_Dialog (not verified)


In the first case the BLE advertising in 1500msec has power consumption 15.3561 μA (not mA) the difference is between the choice of XTAL 32K and the RCX (crystals). The measurements will be updated soon . The power consumption in 3 years and 8 months at 2500msec using 225mAH is 7.0mA (your calculation is correct). The measurements in DA14680 have been taken in connectable BLE advertising mode. In DA 14580 the power consumption is less than the 680 because of the Beacon device uses the non-connectable advertising mode (Beacon mode). In this mode, the DA14580 transmits advertising packets in all three advertising PHY channels without listening for packet reception. Avoiding the reception process results in improved power consumption compared with connectable advertising mode. When using connectable advertising (Peripheral mode), the Rx slots are used, which has an impact on the energy consumption. In case you want to take new measurements simply you change the advertising mode for example from non-connectable to undirected in the SDK code. By design the DA14580 has less power consumption than DA14560 ,the 580 is intended for more simple applications like beacons while 680 is intended for more complex application like wearables. Please check the datasheets for the 580 and 680 ( in Documents tab in datasheets section).



Last seen:8 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2017-07-25 07:44

can you explain me the power consumption calculation in above example (The power consumption in 3 years and 8 months at 2500msec using 225mAH is 7.0mA)?

STS_Dialog (not verified)
Hi vishatdialog,

Hi vishatdialog,

Please check the below link:


I turned the 3 years and 8 months into hours, and divide the 225000AH with the total sum of hours which is 32040 hours.

225000/32040 =7.0244 mA



Last seen:8 months 3 weeks ago
加入:2017-07-25 07:44
Thank you STS_Dialog for your

Thank you STS_Dialog for your faster reply.
how come 225 mAH converted into 225000AH?
225 mAH = 0.225 AH is correct right or 225000 uAH?

STS_Dialog (not verified)
Yes, it's 225000 uAH.

Yes, it's 225000 uAH.

