DA14580 External processor over UART interface

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Last seen:2 years 5 months ago
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DA14580 External processor over UART interface


I am using the DA14580 BLE module (Muarata ZY or UGMZAA) in my project,
I have a STM32 Host controller, using which I want to interface to the Murata ZY module through UART.

我没能找到任何用户手册的经验lains - DA14580 External processor interface over UART .
Can you please share them.

I was able to find "UM-B-013-DA14580 External processor over SPI interface", but I would like to do the same with an UART interface.

Please help.
Thanks in Advance.

Last seen:3 weeks 2 days ago
Joined:2016-11-01 05:47
Hi Vivek,

Hi Vivek,

I'm not sure you want to boot from UART, get firmware from external processor and run on 580 or you want to run the profile on processor and control the 580.

For booting related topic you can look up AN-B-001 manual


For control purpose you can check out the GTL interface,


Both are availabe from 580 document section.

You can also refer to project prox_reporter_ext from our SDK (navigate to projects\target_apps\ble_examples\prox_reporter_ext) as an example usage of this interface, alone with the windows UART host program(projects\host_apps\windows\proximity\reporter)


Qinjin Yang

Last seen:3 years 6 months ago
Joined:2017-04-27 21:00
Hi Qinjin Yang,

Hi Qinjin Yang,

im trying to do a project with da14581 in an external configuration mode with another mcu from atmel. I saw the example windows\proximity\reporter and then i tried to adapt it to my atmel mcu but i couldn't. I want to know what are exactly the files that a i have to include to my own project. There is some basic template example? I want to use GTL interface via UART. There is an example using SPI interface with another da14581 but i prefer just the files that i need to include in my own project without SDK.

Thank you


Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi nios,

Hi nios,

The host examples (the examples that run on the windows host) include a version of the application for the 581, you can take the host_proxm_sdk_581 as a reference in order to build your application and check what are the necessary files in order to do so. Yes there is a template for the 58x side for you to use, its in the DA1458x_SDK\5.0.4\projects\target_apps\template\empty_template_ext folder (as soon as you open the project check from the drop down box the empty_template_ext_581). The examples that involve a windows application are using the UART interface.

Thanks MT_dialog