BLE Examples prox_reporter is NOT working

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Last seen:3 years 8 months ago
加入:2017-05-10 23:35
BLE Examples prox_reporter is NOT working

I am using DA14585-00ATDEVKT-P Development Kit - Pro with DA14585_SDK and Keil uVersion V5.23.0.0

I followed UM-B-049 Getting started with the DA1458x Development Kit – Pro page 30 Section 4 to run the "blinky" example successfully.

However, I have problem running BLE Example

I followed the UM-B-080 DA14585/586 SDK 6 Software Developer’s Guide Section 6 Proximity Report to run the example, I didn't see the advertising device name is DIALOG-PRXR on the LightBlue iOS app. It looked like it crashed on the HaedFault_Handler 0x07FC058C.

Please advise. Thanks.

Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi advanchip,

Hi advanchip,

I suppose that you haven't done any change in the examples, so, can you please check if you can run the examples from the previous SDK release the 6.0.2 ?

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 8 months ago
加入:2017-05-10 23:35
There are 4 errors when I

I didn't make any modification of the source codes and followed the doc UM-B-080 step-by-step.

当我建立了exampl有9个错误e from the previous SDK 6.0.2 release. Please see attached screen shot and advise.

Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi advanchip,

Hi advanchip,

Just downloaded a fresh SDK 6.0.2 and builded the proximity reporter, i see that the project builds succesfully, so i am afraid that i am going to ask you the same question again, have you changed anytihng in the project. Just build one of the examples as is, in order to determine the version of the SoC that you are using. If the SDK 6.0.4 ends up into Hardfault that means that most probably you are running on an older chip version. So in order to verify that please check with any of the examples in the older SDK and check if its working.

From the errors that you ve logged seems that the security variable cannot be found, so can you please check if the app_security.c file exists in your project and that the app_security.h file is included in your app_task.c file and in general in the files that are promted with the error. Although, as mentioned i cannot verify the error at least on my side.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 8 months ago
加入:2017-05-10 23:35
I re-ran with my original

I re-ran with my original download SDK 6.0.2 and saw app_security.c , app_security.h and app_task.c are all there, please see attached screen shot. This is wired

Then I re-downloaded the SDK 6.0.2 and now it works. I think I will continue using the new SDK 6.0.2.

Please let me know if there are any wired things I should pay attention. Otherwise, please close this ticket.


Last seen:2 months 5 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi advanchip,

Hi advanchip,

Something should be wrong with the previous download that you had, either you 've changed anything or the download was corrupted. Anyway, since its working with a fresh download you should be ok, just have in mind that the 6.0.2 SDK is for an older silicon version, newer silicon versions operate with the SDK 6.0.4.

Thanks MT_dialog