Changing the device name during runtime

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Last seen:1 year 11 months ago
加入:2017-01-25 09:29
Changing the device name during runtime

Hi all,

I want to change the advertising device name on the fly (during runtime, changeable by an android app). I've the forum thoroughly and came to the conclusion that I should write to NVDS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME, please correct me if I am wrong. I am working from the ble_app_peripheral project from the SDK.

It is not an issue to restart advertising after the device name has been changed.

Kind regards,


Last seen:2个月1周前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Niekvdd,

Hi Niekvdd,


Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 11 months ago
加入:2017-01-25 09:29
Hi MT_dialog,

Hi MT_dialog,

I can follow your explaination up untill "So the name of the device is provided through the NVDS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME ".



in static struct gapm_start_advertise_cmd* app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_start_create_msg(void) in app.c from example ble_app_peripheral I edited the following from:
uint8_t device_name_length = 0;
uint8_t device_name_temp_buf [nvds_len_device_name];
// Check if data can be added to the Advertising data
if ((adv_avail_space > 0) || (scan_avail_space > 0))
// Get default Device Name (No name if not enough space)
device_name_length = NVDS_LEN_DEVICE_NAME;
if(nvds_get(nvds_tag_device_name,&device_name_length,&device_name_temp_buf [0])!= nvds_ok)
device_name_length = 0;


// uint8_t device_name_length = 0;
// uint8_t device_name_temp_buf[NVDS_LEN_DEVICE_NAME];

uint8_t device_name_length = 6;
uint8_t device_name_temp_buf[6] = "1test1" ;
// memcpy(&cmd->[cmd-> + 2], device_name_temp_buf, device_name_length);
// Check if data can be added to the Advertising data
// if ((adv_avail_space > 0) || (scan_avail_space > 0))
// {
// // Get the Device Name to add in the Advertising Data
// // Get default Device Name (No name if not enough space)
// device_name_length = NVDS_LEN_DEVICE_NAME;
//(nvds_get(nvds_tag_device_name,&device_name_length,&device_name_temp_buf [0])!= nvds_ok)
// {
// // Restore the default value
// assert_warning(0);
// device_name_length = 0;

To my understanding, the (original) snippet at the bottom of static struct gapm_start_advertise_cmd* app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_start_create_msg(void) should then make 1test1 the advertising name:

// Place the Device Name in the Advertising Data or in the Scan Response Data
if(device_name_length> 0)
if(adv_avail_space> = device_name_length)
&cmd->[cmd->], device_name_temp_buf);
if(scan_avail_space> = device_name_length)
app_easy_gap_place_name_ad_struct(&cmd->, device_name_length,
&cmd-> [cmd->],device_name_temp_buf);

Kind regards,

Last seen:2个月1周前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Niekvdd,

Hi Niekvdd,

1)在广告字符串所包含的所有数据are tagged in order for the client to be able to parse the data in the advertising string, for example in the BLE spec the 0x09 value is tagged as "Complete Local Name" the value 0xFF is tagged as "Manufacturer Specific data", for more info on this please check the BLE specification.

2) There are several ways to do this, you can either modify the advertising function in order to place the data that you would like in the advertising string. You can also leave the NVDS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME blank or even place a string in there and after the message has initialized (with the app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_start()) overwrite the advertising data string (located in the cmd->[] array). The SDK has the default functionallity of obtaining the NVDS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME and place it in the advertising string, so you can either create a custom advertising function that doesn't do that and places in the adv string your data or leave the function as is and overwrite the name in the allocated command.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 11 months ago
加入:2017-01-25 09:29
Hi MT_dialog,

Hi MT_dialog,

1) How would I place a string in NVDS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME during runtime? I see that it is initialized in const struct nvds_data_struct nvds_data_storage __attribute__((section("nvds_data_storage_area"))) but how can I alter this value during runtime?

2) How can I manually tag any value?

3)我设法更改通过施用strcpy((char *)device_name_temp_buf,“name12”)来更改正在宣传的设备名称;就在函数静态结构Gapm_start_advertise_cmd * app_easy_gap_undirected_advertise_start_create_msg(void)中的if(device_name_length> 0)之前。在这种情况下,名称12是新名称。
但是,当我从通用访问服务(UUID 0x1800)连接和读取设备名称(UUID 0x2A00)时,我仍然会获得正如在NVDS_TAG_DEVICE_NAME中设置的原始设备名称。如何将设备名称的值更改为uuid 0x2a00返回的设备名称?

Kind regards,

Last seen:2个月1周前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Niekvdd,

Hi Niekvdd,

1)您不能这样做,在运行时无法更改NVDS_TAG_DEVICE的值。启动广告时,拍摄来自NVDS_TAG_DEVICE的值并将其放在广告字符串中,因此您可以直接更改广告命令中的值(例如,当APP_EASY_GAP_UNDIRCED_ADVERTES_GET_ACTING_ADVERTERS_ADVERTE_ACTION()返回时广告字符串的指针您可以更改cmd-> []中名称的值,而不是nvds_tag_device,或者如上所述创建自己的功能,可以创建广告消息并将其发送给堆栈。


3) Changing the name of the device in the attribute database of the Generic Access service is something different from just changing the devices name in the advertising string, the value of that characteristic is taken from the NVDS structure upon creating the databases when the device boots up, and this is defined in the BLE stack in the ROM code, there are two ways to change that, you can either use the function attmdb_att_set_value() and as parameters you should pass the GAPM_GET_ATT_HANDLE(GAP_IDX_DEVNAME) in order for the device name handle to be returned and then provide the length and value of the characteristic as you would like, or you can use the GAPM_SET_DEV_NAME_CMD message (you will find more info regarding the message in the RW-BLE-GAP-IS.pdf).

Thanks MT_dialog