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Last seen:3年10个月前
加入:2017-06-22 18:12
DA14583 IoT sensor specifications

I am interested in purchasing the DA14583 IoT sensor, and I would like to ask some questions regarding the product:

1. What is the maximum sampling rate for the Accelerometer, Gyroscope and magnetometer?
2. Can we access the raw sensor data?
3.我们可以使用the sensor data on another application?
4. Is there any available tutorials for developing applications?

Last seen:1 month 3 days ago
加入:2014-02-07 14:10
Hi zbachir,

Hi zbachir,

Please take a look at our page on the DA14583 IoT Sensor Development Kit that can be found on this support site. You can find it under the reference designs;


Here there are manuals on the HW, SW and you can download the sources for development. The sensor data can be accessed individually or you can use our sensor fusion data. You can use the data to develop you own application. The guides will help you in doing this. You can change the settings in SW to set the parameters according to your requirements. Default Settings are : 12.5 Hz Acc; 25 Hz Gyro, 10 Hz Magneto, 0.5 Hz Environmental (pressure, temperature, humidity).

Best regards, Robert

Last seen:3年10个月前
加入:2017-06-22 18:12
Thanks Robert, So I just want

Thanks Robert, So I just want to confirm one thing, the default values for the sampling rates are for streamung the data of the acc, gyro and mag at the same time? and can you please provide the maximum values.


Last seen:1 month 3 days ago
加入:2014-02-07 14:10
Hi Zbachir, yes these values

Hi Zbachir, yes these values are at the same time. I think these values are some sort of optimum. For practical applications I would assume these to be the maximum values for good system operation. Best regards, Robert

Last seen:7 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2013-12-13 22:02
Hi Zbachir,

Hi Zbachir,

The default settings were indeed derived to obtain lowest power consumption and tracking performance for our sensor fusion demo (one of the projects you can run on the IoT sensor kit). The APIs allow you to change these settings to higher numbers and are not the max values.