BLE device and host configuration

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Last seen:6 months 1 week ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
BLE device and host configuration

Dear Dialog_Support,

Requirement of my project is, one device as a BLE Host and another as a BLE Device. I have few questions regarding proximity example and DSPS example.

1. which example is more suitable for my project requirement ? DSPS or Proximity?
2. My project doesn't using PC either at Host side or Device side so can i use proximity monitor at host side?
3. Is proximity working on Auto connect concept like DSPS?
4. How many devices can be connected to one host in Proximity and DSPS both?
5.如果我把uart从需求方项目需求方st and DSPS device will communicate with each other?

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 days 2 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

1. It depends on what exactly you would like to implement, the client for the proximity is operating along with an external device (a windows PC on the example via UART), the external PC application issues the commands and the 580 receives them and acts accordingly, in one word the application of the proximity is running on an external host. On the other hand the DSPS implements the application side on the 580 itself, and directly sends messages towards the stack.

2. I dont understand the second question, since your project doesn't use an external host, you should take as a reference the DSPS project and not the proximity.

3. No, the proximity central will output all the available devices advertising at the moment, and then you will have to choose with which device you want to connect to.

4. The Proximity can connect to up to 6 peripherals simultaneously and the DSPS host can only connect to 1 peripheral.

5.Yes, if you remove the UART functionallity the devices will still be connectable, although i dont fully get the concept of the question.

For more information regarding the Proximity Client you can have a look at the UM-B-010 User Manual : Proximity Example in Integrated and External Processor Solution.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:6 months 1 week ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Thank you for the reply.

Thank you for the reply.
I want to make communication between two BLE DA14580 Development kit-pro. I want to configure one kit as a Host and another as Device. In future, i also need to configure one BLE Host and multiple BLE Devices to be connected. I am not going to use any external micro-controller or PC at Host or device side. So as a Host and Device which proximity examples are suitable to take as a reference. I am using SDK 5.0.4.

Thanks and Regards,

Last seen:2 days 2 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

The Client on the proximity application runs with an external MCU (UART commands from the PC towards the proximity application of the 580), so perhaps a better reference would be to use the DSPS in order to implement a client and not the proximity reporter.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:6 months 1 week ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Thank you for reply,

Thank you for reply,
Okay i will go ahead with DSPS example.
Few question on DSPS example.

1. In DSPS, Host will automatically starts scanning and connects to the first
discovered peripheral device. But i don't want auto connect feature. So how to remove (means from which file and function) that auto connect.

2. My requirement is, I have one Host and multiple Devices , i want to establish connection between one device at a time.Means Host will communicate with one Device, complete the necessary functionality and disconnect with device. Next time Host again scan for device make a connection with another device and finish the work and so on. Is it possible in DSPS ? If Yes, then how to configure as per requirement, what all things to be change?

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 days 2 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

1. The connection request is send by the peripheral when the advertising string received matches the UUID of the DSPS profile, so the connection request to the specified peripheral is send to the stack from the user_on_adv_report_ind() function. In that function you can see the comparison made against the two strings and tha actions taken when those two files match.

2. Since you would like to connect to one device each time, you can check the advertising strings of the devices around you (just like the DSPS does), so the devices need to fulfil a specific requirement in order for the Client to send them a connection request (only the Client can send a connection request). So after the connection you can do whatever you would like to do while the two devices are connected, and when you 're done you can invoke app_easy_gap_disconnect() in order for the two devices to be disconnected from the current link (both devices peripheral or central can send a command in order to terminate the link).

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:6 months 1 week ago
Joined:2017-04-20 09:17
Thank you for reply,

Thank you for reply,

Regarding automatically starts scanning and connects to the first discovered peripheral device, i am not remove auto-connect functionality so can you please explain in detail.

Thanks and Regards

Last seen:2 days 2 hours ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Rajapurerohit,

Hi Rajapurerohit,

I am sorry, i dont understand on which point you would like to give more details, the DSPS will scan as soon as the fw runs, as soon as the device picks up a peripheral device that has the DSPS UUID on its advertising string it will issue a connection request.

Can you please clarify your question ?

Thanks MT_dialog