When connecting to external device

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Last seen:3 years 9 months ago
加入:2017-05-09 10:51
When connecting to external device

I want to connect external device and receive data coming from an external device to murata's Type ZY
also i wanaa transfer the data and confirm by the iphone.
current situation, i could confirm the pairing.but I couldn't confirm the data transmission.
i have used the DSPS program.
(1) what should i do? please teach me!

also,now i use MSP430.but this device is not CTS,RTS.
(2) When connect MSP430 and murata's Type ZY, how do I connect?

Last seen:2 months 4 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Kaito,

Hi Kaito,

Regarding your first question, do you connect the device with a PC or with the MSP430 and you are not able to get data on the other side ? If its connected with a PC please check your terminal settings baud rate, flow control and make sure that you have the proper connections on your board. If its connected with an MSP430, check if you get data transmition on your UART lines in order to identify if the problem exists on the external MCU configuration or on the 580 running the DSPS.

Please be aware that the DSPS is designed to operate properly with h/w flow control since between the connection intervals the 580 goes to sleep until the next connection interval so the external device needs to know when to transmit data. If you dont have h/w flow control then you can configure the fw to operate with s/w flow control but there will be missing data when you try to transmit from the external device to the 580.

Regarding the connections that you will have to do, you just need to have the RX pin of the 580 to the TX pin of the external MCU and the TX pin of the 580 to RX of the external MCU (this is without h/w flow control and having the s/w flow control enabled). With h/w flow control you need also to connect the RTS and CTS pins.

Thanks MT_dialog