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Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-11-27 14:24

Hi Dialog,

I have the following setup for the production line tool to program the second bootloader into the OTP, and my combined image for OTA into the flash.

But I got the error logs like below, do you have suggestions and solutions? I have also attached the picture for settings

11:48:45:409 [DEBUG] [U_DLL] [udll_dbg_init | 296] >>> dbg_enable=[1], dbg_level=[0x5], dbg_out=[0x4], dbg_clbk=[0xd80a7e], dbg_file_path=[UDLL_debug.txt]
11:53:01:569 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[9]
11:53:01:599 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[8]
11:53:01:599 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[16]
11:53:01:649[错误][U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[7]
11:53:01:649[错误][U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[11]
11:53:01:649[错误][U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[6]
11:53:01:649[错误][U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[14]
11:53:01:709 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[4]
11:53:01:709 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[18]
11:53:01:709 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 1272] >>> ERROR: OTP IMAGE files do NOT match on com port=[12]
11:53:29:439 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [close_device | 2652] >>> ERROR: WaitForSingleObject in device_opts_t->ovlRd.hEvent WAIT_TIMEOUT com_port=[8]
11:53:30:439 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [close_device | 2687] >>> ERROR: WaitForSingleObject in device_opts_t->hThread WAIT_TIMEOUT com_port=[8]
11:53:30:469 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [print_sys_error | 4544] >>> ERROR: 6: The handle is invalid.

11:53:30:469 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [reset_buffer | 2424] >>> ERROR: PurgeComm with handle=[cb8] com_port=[8]
11:53:30:469 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |976] >>>错误:COM端口上的缓冲区重置= [8]
11:53:31:549 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [close_device | 2652] >>> ERROR: WaitForSingleObject in device_opts_t->ovlRd.hEvent WAIT_TIMEOUT com_port=[7]
11:53:31:679 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[16]
11:53:31:679 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[16]
11:53:31:679 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>>错误:FW下载COM端口= [12]
11:53:31:679 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>>错误:COM端口上的FW下载= [9]
11:53:31:679 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[18]
11:53:31:679 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[11]
11:53:31:679 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[14]
11:53:31:679 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[14]
11:53:32:549 [错误] [u_dll] [close_device |2687] >>>错误:wainforsingleObject在device_opts_t-> hthread wait_timeout com_port = [7]
11:53:32:549 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[0]
11:55:33:509 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [close_device | 2652] >>> ERROR: WaitForSingleObject in device_opts_t->ovlRd.hEvent WAIT_TIMEOUT com_port=[8]
11:55:34:509 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [close_device | 2687] >>> ERROR: WaitForSingleObject in device_opts_t->hThread WAIT_TIMEOUT com_port=[8]
11:55:34:509 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [udll_main_thread | 966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[0]
11:55:35:509 [ERROR] [U_DLL] [close_device | 2652] >>> ERROR: WaitForSingleObject in device_opts_t->ovlRd.hEvent WAIT_TIMEOUT com_port=[7]
11:55:35:759 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>>错误:FW下载COM端口= [12]
11:55:35:759 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>>错误:FW下载COM端口= [12]
11:55:35:759 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[16]
11:55:35:759 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>>错误:COM端口上的FW下载= [9]
11:55:35:759 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[4]
11:55:35:759 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[14]
11:55:35:759 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[18]
11:55:35:759 [错误] [u_dll] [udll_main_thread |966] >>> ERROR: fw download on com port=[18]

Last seen:3 months 4 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi liuluan002,

Hi liuluan002,

Can you please report the version of the PLT sw that you are using and also upload the params.ini and params.xml file in order to have a look ?

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-11-27 14:24
Hi Dialog,

Hi Dialog,

I am using the PLT sw: "DA14580/581 Production Line Tool v_3.170.2.36"

I have only find the "params.ini" and attached in the file, I have not found the "params.xml", could you please help?

Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-11-27 14:24
Hi Dialog,

Hi Dialog,

I have updaload the params.ini in the previoulsly comments, you may need to take a look.


Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-11-27 14:24
Hi Dialog,

Hi Dialog,

The chipset I am trying to program is DA14583, Since I I read the UM-B-012, seems it already comes out the second bootloader in the OTP, right now I want to update my second bootloader, is any special setting I needs to make to make the PLT works for our production?

Last seen:3 months 4 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi liuluan002,

Hi liuluan002,

The params.ini is the proper configuration file for your PLT version the params.xml file is for the latest version of the PLT. Also an additional question until the team checks the configuration file, i suppose that you have applied VPP in order to burn your OTP ? Also can you please check if the PC is recognizing the COM ports of the PLT tool ?

Regarding the bootloader and the 583, you can burn an additional bootloader to the 583 called an advanced bootloader (which is the secondary bootloader in order to implement the dual image), how the 583 is going to know about the advanced bootloader depends on the 0x7F10 address on the OTP header which dicates the offset and the length of the advanced bootloader. Regarding if there is a special setting to do that i am checking with our PLT expert, i will let you know as soon as i have some feedback for the errors that you get.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-11-27 14:24
I have measure the board for

I have measure the board for the VPP, when I program the OTP it is run into the 6.8V. Also I have successfully programmed a new DA14583 board with the OTP header with the same PLT (APplication flag 1 and flage 2 is No, DMA length I use 03 BD instead of 1F C0.), but I not programmed the OTP image with the second bootloader.

Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-11-27 14:24
I have also make only flash

I have also make only flash part programmed for 16 units at one time for 64 units today, the OTP image and OTP header not programmed. It shows PC is recognizing the all 17 COM ports of the PLT tool. 17 COM ports incude the 16 DUT and 1 Golden unit.

Last seen:3 months 4 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi liuluan002,

Hi liuluan002,

As far as i can tell there is no provision to burn an additional image to the OTP via the PLT tool, the PLT starts the writing of the OTP at a specific offset (from the start of the OTP image ) there is no option to burn the OTP at a specific offset, i am still checking with the PLT expert to get some feedback on that. I assume that the errors that you get are because you are overwriting the factory 583 bootloader with the advanced bootloader, and when the tool reads back for verification it gets the ored values of the two bootloaders. Also checking if a work around is possible, perhaps by adding to the advanced bootloader image a 0x00 padding up to the address that the advanced bootloader should be located.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-11-27 14:24
Is it because of the

Is it because of the overlapping of the pre-made second boot loader from the factory and the advanced boot loader in the OTP makes the system can not bootup, is there any solution for this issue?

Last seen:3 months 4 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi liuluan002,

Hi liuluan002,

As mentioned, still waiting for a reply for that, i will let you know as soon as i ve got a reply from the PLT experts.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2年11个月前
Joined:2017-02-12 16:46


I have a PLT hardware acquired from customer to develop the testing/programming of their product. My software is Csharp. I would like to get support on how to use PLT DLL libraries in csharp. Please provide contact details.

Last seen:3 months 4 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi anunez,

Hi anunez,

We will contact you over mail on this.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-11-27 14:24
Hi Dialog,

Hi Dialog,

Is there any update for the issue?

Last seen:3 months 4 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi liuluan002,

Hi liuluan002,

Sorry for the very late response, but the PLT experts were quite busy, so, as i ve been informed, there is no provision for the PLT to burn an advanced bootloader in the 583, the PLT assumes that the OTP should always be written from address 0 in order to boot from there. So you can follow the below guidelines in order to test burning the advanced bootloader in the OTP via the PLT tool:

  • File source\production_line_tool\u_dll\u_dll_580.c
  • Function udll_580_otp_img_write
  • Line 3213
  • otp_wri修改调用的第二个参数te function:
    • Before: status = otp_write(device_opts_t->otp_bin, OTP_580_BASE_ADDR + udll_params.params_580.mem.otp_img.addr, (uint16_t) device_opts_t->otp_bin_size, device_opts_t);
    • After: status = otp_write(device_opts_t->otp_bin, OTP_580_BASE_ADDR + XXXX, (uint16_t) device_opts_t->otp_bin_size, device_opts_t); where XXXX should be the new OTP start address for the advanced bootloader.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2年11个月前
Joined:2017-02-12 16:46


Can you please advise on how to power cycle and reset the DA14581 chip. Is there a Production Line Tool command line or using DLL?