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Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2016-03-14 14:22

Hello BLE Experts.
Have a good day.
Have few questions. How can I create different BD address for different BLE chips. Does each BLE chip has its own UUID or something like that? How in DSPS example add RSSI possibility?

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Sparta,

Hi Sparta,

What do you mean how you can create different BD address for different BLE chips ? each 58x SoC has a specific field in the OTP, on that field the user can burn a public OTP address, the SDK will check if there is a non-zero value in that field and if there is no value it will use the address from that is located in the fw or in the NVDS structure. Regarding what kind of bd address a BLE device can have, there are public and random addresses, and the random addresses are divided in Static and Private and the Private addresses in their turn divide in Non-resolvable and Resolvable (for more details please check the BLE specification regarding the public and private addresses).

No, when the SoCs provided by dialog dont have any UUID identifier and it is up to the user to provide one.

Regarding the DSPS and the RSSI, you can either obtain the RSSI from the advertising string of the peripheral while you are operating as a host (when the indication that an advertising string has arrived the message struct in the indication function will include the RSSI of the advertising string). Also you can obtain the RSSI while in connection by using the GAPC_GET_INFO_CMD with the GAPC_CON_RSSI_IND operation (check the RW-BLE-GAP-IS.pdf). Please check the FAQ in the Software Implementation section "How to read and convert the RSSI value to dBm?".

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2016-03-14 14:22
Thank you for quick responce.

Thank you for quick responce.
Best regards.

Last seen:1 year 1 month ago
加入:2016-03-14 14:22
One more question. Which OS

One more question. Which OS you use???

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Sparta,

Hi Sparta,

The 580 doesn't use any Operating System, its like a bare metal project and uses a very basic scheduler in order to schedule the BLE events and generic application specific messages.

Thanks MT_dialog