the higher baudrate support in the uart.h are commented out as of SDK 5.04 as below:
/// Divider for 921600 bits/s
//#define UART_BAUDRATE_921K6 tbd
/// Divider for 460800 bits/s
//#define UART_BAUDRATE_460K8 tbd
/// Divider for 230400 bits/s
//#define UART_BAUDRATE_230K4 tbd2
如果我想使用任何这些更高的波特率,is it possible?
Hi kqtrinh,
No, actually you can try to produce those kind of baud rates but the error of the baudrate produced in those rates is more than the 5% that is defined by the spec. But you can try to boost up the baudrate in 1M baudrate which should have the minimum error due to the crystal drift and not because the divisor.
You can set the baudrate to 1M by just setting the divider to 1 instead of 9 which is the divider for the 115200 baudrate.
Thanks MT_dialog
What are the baud rates and errors for each baud rate that can be used? We are also interested in 921600.
Hi jowen,
You will be able to find the baud rates and the errors of each rate in the uart.h file, 921600, i dont think that you will be able to establish communication since the error of the configuration will result in a value that is over 5% (as far i can remember) of the error tollerance of the UART specification.
Thanks MT_dialog