Authentication using challenge-response scheme

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Last seen:1 year 6 months ago
加入:2017-02-08 09:20
Authentication using challenge-response scheme


Our device is a source of information that we want to share with the user in our mobile application, however we would like to own the information and not let 3rd party write another mobile app and get the device information. For this purpose Bluetooth define a "Secure" challenge-response authentication: Both sides need to know some secret string and only if both are satisfied that the other side "know" the secret a connection will be permitted.

We use SPS profile to transmit the information to our mobile app.

1. Is this feature supported by SDK?
2. If yes, how to enable it?

Kind regards,

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi razp,

Hi razp,

1) If you mean that you would like to implement BLE security as defined by the BLE specification on the 580, then yes, it is supported by the SDK.

2) Be aware that there are quite a few options in BLE security with a number of pairing methods and security properties, please check the BLE specification for more info about this, additionally please have a look at the ble_app_security example in order to implement this kind of feature in your project.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 6 months ago
加入:2017-02-08 09:20


As you mention, there arequite a fewoptions.
I fail to find any reference to challenge-response authentication scheme. Perhaps it is referred by different name, can you be more specific?

Kind regards,

I am assuming this feature is implemented in SDK code and it's a matter of setting the correct configuration to activate it.

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi razp,

Hi razp,

You have to be more specific to your requirements, the security provided by the BLE specification is standard and all the schemes that the BLE offers are supported by the SDK, i am not able to tell what do you mean exactly by challenge-response authentication scheme and what your requirements are.

Summing up a few things regarding the security overview in order to give you some guidance. If you activate the BLE security that means that your devices in order to exchange data they will have to go through the pairing procedure. So that means that in order to initiate the pairing either your peripheral will send a security request to the central upon connection or the devices will connect and if the master of the connection attempts to read or write at a secured characteristic the access will be denied so will have to go through the pairing method (exchange the required keys for subsequent connections) or he will have to go through encryption (in case the devices were previously paired, check if the keys that are present on the devices match).

The BLE specification defines 3 security levels, no security, security level 1 and 2. In security level 1 (which i assume fits most to what you would like to do) you have two options, unathenticated pairing with encryption and authenticated pairing with encryption, the security 1 authenticated pairing with encryption for the BLE specification means that you will have to set a PIN or OOB data code for your device in order to access it and go through the pairing procedure therefore the authentication for the BLE spec is to know who is the device on the other side during the pairing procedure. In general even if you use the Just works method (without the Passkey entry) and you just pair with a random device you will be able to implement a challenge-response authentication scheme, since on each subsequent connection you will be able to drop each device that doens't present the ediv and rand keys that you have stored in your peripheral device in an encryption request attempt in order to retrive the bonding data that you have stored.

The scheme that you describe isn't fully implemented on the SDK and the examples, in some of the examples when you define the CFG_APP_SECURITY the security handlers are included (the functions in the user_callback_config.h file .app_pairing_request, .app_on_tk_exch_nomitm etc) and by setting the .security_request_scenario member in the user_default_hnd_conf struct in the user_config.h file a security request is send to the central and the device goes through the pairing procedure, but you will need extra implementation to deny access to additional centrals that will request connection and also you will have to set your security settings. A full security example is the one indicated above.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 6 months ago
加入:2017-02-08 09:20
Hi MT,

Hi MT,

Thank you for your comprehensive response.
The authentication scheme we would like to employ is defined in Bluetooth Core Specification Vol.2 - 5 AUTHENTICATION. This section refer to two schemes: "Legacy authentication" and "Secure Authentication".
My understanding from looking at the SDK code and your writing is that these authentication schemes are not implemented.

1) Is that correct?
2) Do you know of any implementation of this schemes external to SDK? Maybe one of your clients?
3) Do you know if these schemes implemented in Android and IOS?

Kind regards,

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi razp,

Hi razp,

1) Regarding the Secure Authentication, this is something that is not supported from the 580, since the BLE stack that the SoC family uses implements only the mandatory features of the 4.2 specifications (it is 4.2 Qualified), that means that secure connections aren't supported. Regarding the Legacy authentication this is the standard authentication since the 4.0 spec that is supported from the SDK as it is mentioned in my previous post.

2)关于实施安全和authentication on the SDK i trust that you are allready aware with the Tutorial 5 Pairing, Bonding and Security.

3) As far as i know most of the android devices support this kind of scheme (legacy security).

Thanks MT_dialog