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Richard Surprenant
Last seen:3 years 9 months ago
加入:2016-07-26 16:37
Current Consumption


I am using the SDK 5.150.2 sps_device. I am trying to get current consumption below 60uA when connected. Is this possible? I have the DA14583 basic and I download the image via UART. I am using a DMM to measure the current. Here is what I measure.

Advertising, not connected: 300uA

Connected: 365uA

Transmitting: 1300uA (1.3mA)

What can I do to reduce the current consumption?

MH_Dialog (not verified)
Hi Rich,

Hi Rich,

You may try to configure Connection Interval and Slave Latency in user_config.h under Parameter update configuration section when connected. However, this also depends on what host the DA14583 basic conenct to. iOS devices have a policy when setting these parameters and connection interval of 30ms is fixed for most of time.

Thanks Morris

Richard Surprenant
Last seen:3 years 9 months ago
加入:2016-07-26 16:37


How do I get closer to: Under 600 nA sleep mode that is advertised on this page?



MH_Dialog (not verified)
Hi Rich,

Hi Rich,

There has no advertising or connection packets in this deep sleep mode. Only retention ram is retained when sysram and other blocks are turned OFF. You may have the system entering deep sleep mode and measure the current consumption mentioned in AN-B-015.

Thanks Morris