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Last seen:3 weeks 1 day ago
加入:2016-04-13 09:36
Flashing DA14680 Custom Board


we have developed a custom Board with a DA14680. After some tries we could flash it successfully by using the JTAG from the
Basic Development KIt. However I wanted to flash a new Program and it doesn't work I always get the error cannot connect to gdb.

I am using SDK 1.0.8 and I flashed it in Smartsnippets studio with program_qspi_jtag_win.

Last seen:3个月5小时前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Firefox,

Hi Firefox,

If you dont have the latest Smart Snippets studio, please make the update from the support site. If you still get this error i can assume that the debugger module in the 68x is disabled from the fw that you ve downloaded, so i would suggest to do the following in order to erase the flash. Have the SPI_CS high in order for the 68x not to be able to boot from the flash, and then run the script to erase the flash, as soon as the script starts to run try to leave the SPI_CS. That way you will know that the scipt executes and not any fw that is allready downloaded from the flash.

也你是able to flash the dev kit via JTAG ? Also if you could paste the error from the console would help in case none of the above solves what you are experiencing.

Thansk MT_dialog

Last seen:3 weeks 1 day ago
加入:2016-04-13 09:36


I have the newest SmartSnippets Studio v1.2.3.588 for windows. Also the custom board is using a da14680 and as far as I know the QSPI_CS Pin is not available in this package so I can't try your suggestion.
In which fw is the debugger disabled? Does this relate to the build configuration? Maybe I did flash once with ...Release_QSPI configuration could this be the reason?
The fw I did flash is the ble_adv project.


Last seen:3个月5小时前
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Firefox,

Hi Firefox,

Missed the 680 part, so what you can try is to erase the flash by removing the VDDIO (FLASH interface supply) that way you will be able to disable the flash and having the bootloader running. On a second though using the UART in order to erase the flash might work, having the VDDIO removed the 680 will be running the bootloader so when you try to erase the flash via UART you will have the time to attach the VDDIO and hit the RESET and the programmer will be downloaded to the 580. So try the above and check if you can erase the flash, if you dont have UART ports on your device check if you can do so with the JTAG the same way i ve indicated above.

None of the example fw has the debugger disabled as far as i know, but since you were able to program the board once and never again after that, a disabled debugger in a running sw is the only reason i can think of in order not to be able to connect to the 680 and re-program your device. I dont think that the Release_QSPI build could cause this kind of problem since most of the examples have this as a preconfigured build, what might cause this could be a faulty code running in the 680 that toggles between a reset and a Hardfault and not giving the chance for the debugger to attach.

Thanks MT_dialog

MH_Dialog (not verified)
Hi Firefox,

Hi Firefox,

Please execute JLinkGDBServer.exe in the segger folder to see if Cortex-M0 can be found or not. This is just to check the SoC on your custom board run well.

Thanks Morris