Programming Da14681 Using External Flash

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Last seen:3 years 3 months ago
加入:2016-07-19 21:30
Programming Da14681 Using External Flash

Hello Team !!

我们有一个定制的board using Da14681 with external flash ( Micronix ) and the part number is "MX25R8035FZUIH1" . So we are facing issues to run code from the external flash.
When we used evaluation board flash(Winbond ) and the part number is "W25Q80EW" we can able to run our code and works fine, here we are using different QSPI flash and I can able to write and read the contents using snippets tool. While running the debugger return memory read failure errors. Could you please help me out how to use external flash (Micronix ) using Da14681.

Thanks for your support !!


Last seen:1 week 2 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Dheeraj,

Hi Dheeraj,

I am checking with the team i will let you know about your request as soon as possible.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 week 2 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Dheeraj,

Hi Dheeraj,

Currently the 1.0.6 SDK, which i suppose that you have, supports only the default flash which is the winbond, i would suggest to move to the new SDK 1.0.8 that is expected to be released at the end of this week. The new SDK supports some additional flashes and also is accompanied with documentation that explains how to support extra flashes through an additional infastructure, since hacking the SDK to add a new flash is a quite difficult and time consuming task.

Thanks MT_dialog