PLT Software generated customer specifc field

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Last seen:1 year 4 months ago
Joined:2016-10-20 06:53
PLT Software generated customer specifc field

I am trying to generate a random 128-bit uuid for each DUT and burn to the OTP header using the software generated customer specific field for the GUI and then log to a file.

I read in the user manual that I should change the gplt_sw_customer_field function, I activated info printouts to verify that the function was actually called but it didn't appear. When is the function actually supposed to be called? I have enabled the checkbox.

不幸的是,似乎是唯一GUI模块one without Doxygen so it is a bit difficult to follow what each function is supposed to do. In addition there are many function declarations in the header which seem to have the same purpose as functions in the cpp file (e.g. gplt_gui_export_settings in cpp and Button_export_settings_Click in header) which caused some confusion when trying to follow the printouts. The exact same wording for the printouts appear in both functions. What is the reasoning behind this? It seems that only the functions in the headerfile are actually being called.

glpt_sw_customer_field is only called by glpt_main_panel_execute which has the single comment //Panel validate functions
glpt_main_panel_execute in its turn is only called by the button_validate_panel_Click which I don't know how to trigger

I am running windows 10 and visual studio express 2012.


Last seen:3 months 1 day ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi ViSt,

Hi ViSt,

The procedure that you are describing is the proper one for changing the customer specific fields in the OTP via the PLT software (and the checkbox should be checked), the function where you ve placed you custom code should be executed when you hit the START button and start burning your OTP while being in the EXECUTE mode of the PLT tool.

Thanks MT_dialog