I am new to Keil uvision and dialog DA14580
I am now study about the ble example, I had find for 2 month and I still cannot find where the program start.
for my knowledge, a program should have a main loop function, but I really cannot find the main loop.
sorry for this stupid question.
please help me, thank you.
Hi jollyreal,
The main loop is located in the arch_main.c file and the main loop of the program is the main_func() function, in there you can find the main loop.
Thanks MT_dialog
Hi dialog,
Thank you for your reply, and I found it.
I need some advice from you.
My idea is to use the DA14580 to read the voltage of a sensor and send the value through the DSPS example to a device(maybe computer or smartphone)
I had go through the adc example and successfully get the value.
现在我想把value using the DSPS example,
1. if I want to edit the example code, which part can I modified (add in the adc function)?
2. what is the different between the DSPS example, sps_host and sps_device?
Thank you
Hi jollyreal,
I suppose that i can close this ticket, please check the answer to your other post.
Thanks MT_dialog