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Last seen:1 year 7 months ago
加入:2016-01-08 04:34
Why many design use 3.3v as power?

According to the datasheet, if I want to use OTP, the best power voltage is 2.5v. But I fonud many design use 3.3v as power voltage? Why?

Last seen:4 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi daniel59,

Hi daniel59,

The OTP requires at least 2.5V (not 2.5V fixed) in order to operate (so that the OTP can be read) and the recommended operating conditions of the 580 according to the datasheet on table 332 is from 2.35 up to 3.3V.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 12 months ago
加入:2016-10-11 10:58
Hi there,

Hi there,

you mentioned "on table 332 is from 2.35 up to 3.3V.", but I don't find such a table in the data sheet (Rev. 3.3), i.e. the highest table there is table 273. Is there some other document?
Actually, I'm a bit confused about the supply voltages stuff. In Table 266 (p.146), it says that the typical output voltage of the boost converter is 1.41V, so how can one read the OTP if the device is powered from a single Alkaline cell?

我们将使用一个阿尔卑斯山UGMZ2AA future device (AFAIK, there is a DA14580 under the hood of the UGMZ2AA), operated from a stabilized 3V supply voltage, rather than a battery cell. We've got the Alps development kit already, but there is just a simple, direct connection between the SWITCH and the VDCDC pin, while the VBAT1V-pin is tied to GND. The data sheet of the 14850 doesn't mention a power option without DC-DC converter, without need for an inductor. Is this a special thing for Alps UGMZ2AA or is it a valid option for the DA14580, generally?

Thank you!

Last seen:4 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi thelger,

Hi thelger,

Please dont post a new question on an irrelevant thread, you can always make a new thread and add the link of the post that you would like to add as a reference. Now regarding your question.

Sorry about that, the document i checked this wasn't the datasheet but the full spec which is not available, you will be able to find that info in the datasheet on table 258: Recommended operating conditions.

Regarding the 1.41V of the output of the DCDC on boost the OTP is not supplied via the DCDC directly but via a seperate LDO which is powered via the boost converter.

I am not aware of the dev kit that you are using, but yes ommiting the inductor for the DCDC is a valid option for the 580, its not included in the datasheet but one can operate the 580 by overiding the DCDC converter, if you are interested on details you can have a look at the FAQs, in the Hardware and peripherals section on the question "Is it possible to bypass the DCDC converter in the 580 ......."

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:1 year 7 months ago
加入:2016-01-08 04:34
I know, but according to

I know, but according to Figure 10: DC-DC efficiency in Buck/Boost mode at various voltage levels, on 2.5v the efficiency is best. I just dont know why many design using 3.3v.

Last seen:4 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi daniel59,

Hi daniel59,

Most of the reference designs are coin cell battery operated.

Thanks MT_dialog