uVision not detecting SW Device

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Last seen:3 years 10 months ago
加入:2016-09-21 15:50
uVision not detecting SW Device


I am currently going through the blinky example project for the DA14583 development kit in the "Getting Started Guide". When I open the settings in the J-Link/J-Trace Cortex I get the attached image. It has correctly identified my SN but there is no SWD like in the example given. When I go to download or debug this code it gives me an error saying " No Cortex-M SW Device Found". Could someone help me get this working?

Thank you

Last seen:1 month 4 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi sjdorsay,

Hi sjdorsay,

Try to close the Debug dialog and hit the reset button on the development kit and keep it pressed, then open the Debug dialog and release the reset button, and check if the ID code of the device will appear. Other than that make sure that the J11 jumper is placed (for the pro board), it provides power to the 580 and that the JTAG pins are also populated with jumpers on the J6 header (again for pro kit, the TMS and TCK are connected with SWDIO and SWCLK).

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 10 months ago
加入:2016-09-21 15:50
I tried that and I still have

I tried that and I still have the same problem. Also, I don't know if it's important but I have the IoT Sensor Kit so the board I have looks drastically different to the ones in the images. Would this be a concern?


Last seen:5 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2018-12-12 16:09
Hello Dialog,

Hello Dialog,
I have the same issue on ID Code not being displayed in Keil IDE for DA14583 IoT sensor dev kit (not Pro, Basic). The one with dongle interface.
this has affected the Smart Snippets failing to detect the device - DA14583.
Request for a resolution for the issue.



Last seen:1 month 4 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi sjdorsay,

Hi sjdorsay,

它将有助于男性tion the board that you own, if you dont, i will assume that you have a pro or a basic kit. So you have the IoT sensor kit with the interface board. When you plug the device at the USB can you see a fading blue light on the sensor ? If not that means that your device isn't powered, check the jumpers on J16 and J14 headers and make sure they are in place, also make sure that the switch is ON and that the D4 led is OFF.

As soon as you make sure of all the above, try to connect to the board from smart snippets via JTAG, connect and erase the internal flash (the device if it has fw in the flash its in sleep mode so the ARM debug module is turned off so you will not be able to attach from keil).

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:3 years 10 months ago
加入:2016-09-21 15:50
The packaging doesn't

The packaging doesn't indicate whether it's Basic or Pro, just that it's an IoT Sensor Kit Dongle. All of the jumpers are in place and the blue LED is fading in and out occasionally. I tried the smart snippets toolbox thing connecting via UART which worked but I never erased the internal flash so I'll try that out then

Last seen:1 month 4 days ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi sjdorsay,

Hi sjdorsay,

The IoT Sensor kit its a different dev kit from the basic, pro or expert. The led is toggling because the device has fw in the flash, erase the flash and you will be able to program it, most probably that is your problem.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:18 hours 34 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi rajucoolsuraj,

Hi rajucoolsuraj,

I suppose that you mean the CIB board with the 583 IoT sensor kit. If I have misunderstood it, please let me know: Could you please check the following pin configurations?

In case of UART:

1. Connect the target board with the CIB.

2. Power supply:

a. The jumper on J16 header must be in place.

b. The jumper on J14 header must be in place.

c. In order to supply the target board from CIB, turn the power switch (SW2) ON.

d. In order to supply the target board from an external power supply or battery (3 V

is required), turn the power switch (SW2) OFF.

3. Download the firmware.

4. When the software requests a reset, please press the reset button SW1 on the CIB.

In case of JTAG:

1. Connect the target board with the CIB.

2. Power supply:

a. The jumper on J16 header must be in place.

b. The jumper on J14 header must be in place.

c. In order to supply the target board from CIB, turn the power switch (SW2) ON.

d. In order to supply the target board from an external power supply or battery (3 V is required), turn the power switch (SW2) OFF.

3. Download the firmware

Thanks, PM_Dialog

Last seen:5 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2018-12-12 16:09
It works now. Thanks.

It works now.

Last seen:18 hours 34 min ago
加入:2018-02-08 11:03
Hi rajucoolsuraj,

Hi rajucoolsuraj,

Glad that you figured your issue out. If you found the answer useful, please mark it as “accepted”.

Thanks, PM_Dialog