Dear Dialogue support,
We are trying to determine after wake up from deep sleep, what the minimum time is required to decide if a GPIO PIN is high or low? If high, go back to deep sleep? If low, wake up BLE and the rest and advertise?
I understand it involves at least OTP mirroring and reset handler configuration etc as mentioned in AN-B-011 for code booting. I'm not sure what the steps involved for deep sleep wake up?
More details:
The idea is to read a GPIO pin in system_init (Called by main_func()) as early as possible; if LOW (button pressed), run normal system_init; if HIGH (button not pressed), go back to sleep and no BLE wake up is required; otherwise system wakes up for BLE advertisement.
Can you please advise whether my following idea is correct or not:
1. the earliest point where GPIO read & check can be done is right after GPIO_init(); (in system_init
2. If HIGH (not pressed), some function calls are required to put the chip back to deep sleep in system_init. What functions need to be called for this purpose?
3. If the idea to change system_init does not work, can you think of any other way that works?
Thanks for your support,
Anyone would like to help?
Hi uta_lc,
请介意你把你的问题,坏蛋rent location is ment to be for Chinese only. Seems that your other post is more complete, so i am going to reply here
Thanks MT_dialog