Dear sir:
I found a problem when using the uart port. i find the value of abort_SR_Status is always is 0x0001.
it's lead to the i2c_wait_until_eeprom_ready can not return from the function.
abort_SR_Status = GetWord16(I2C_TX_ABRT_SOURCE_REG); // Read the Tx abort source register
could you help me known why the value of abort_SR_Status is always 0x0001?
thank you!
1: Master is in 7-bit addressing mode and the address sent
was not acknowledged by any slave.
datasheet mentions the above info. Not sure the slave address is correct?
你好 ,
是不是说我的 蓝牙设备地址不对,还是说uart端口地址不对?
你所说的 master和 slave分别指PC和 14580吗?
在调试 UART打印log时,发现总是无法输出 log,跟踪调试代码发现这个值时钟是 0x0001.对比 参考板发现对方板子这个 值始终为0.因此想知道为何 这个值 是 1.
是不是因为 I2C配置有问题,如何修改 ,谢谢 !