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Last seen:4 years 5 months ago
加入:2016-03-08 14:38
Possible to Debug via BLE (Over the Air) ?


i use the DA14580 Dev-Kit Basic and wonder if it's possible to debug the software via bluetooth. I know it's possible to update software via bluetooth but not if it's possible to debug it.

Another question i have is, how can i use the Dev-Kit Basic with battery and without USB-Connection. The only way i've found to get the software working is via USB (UART) and Keils Debug mode. What do i have to do to programm the device and use it without cable?

Thanks for your answers!

Best Regards


Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 34
Hi JanFeld,

Hi JanFeld,

No, i dont see how this is possible, what do you mean exactly "debug it via bluetooth" ? You can send values to custom characteristics in order to debug your application, but i am not sure if that is what you mean.

The only way you can download code in the 580 is via JTAG or via the primary bootloader (meaning SPI/UART/I2C all the procedures followed are described by the AN-B-001 document). If you want to download code via air (SUOTA) the 580 will have to be allready programmed with a software that supports the SUOTA service and also have a external memory, for more info regarding the SUOTA service please have a look at the AN-B-010 da14580 using SUOTA.pdf.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:4 years 5 months ago
加入:2016-03-08 14:38


my thought was that it would may be possible to debug the software like Keils Debug-Session with Breakpoints. So you can see the actual progress in your own code.

The other question was, can i use the programmed and flashed Dev Kit Basic with battery for a presentation without connected to my PC via USB? So that it can start when i press the "reset" button or on other events?

For example i want it to stay in one room and want it to work without an USB connection. Just the DA14580 with Battery and its program. Then i use my Smartphone with an App to scan the environment for BLE devices like the DA14580. While walking around i get near the DA14580 and it will show up in the App-List. I don't have the possiblity to take my PC to the presentation room so i need the Dev-Kit in a standalone working mode.

I didn't find a tutorial or explanation how to set up the system for a standalone working mode after beeing programmed and flashed. I only can use it with the Keil IDE - Debug Session.

Thanks for your answers

Best regards


Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 34
Hi JanFeld,

Hi JanFeld,

The only available method for debugging is through keil.

Yes, the basic kit can work with a battery and you can place a bootable image in the SPI flash and after pressing reset start the code executing.

You can use Smart Snippets in order to burn the flash (follow the jumper instructions right next to the J4 header with the SPI annotation on the basic kit) open smart snippets and choose the flash programmer, erase and program the flash with your .bin or .hex file (the one produced by keil). After you burned the flash change the J5 pin to the BAT option and via hitting the reset button the 580 will download the program from your flash and start advertising.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:4 years 5 months ago
加入:2016-03-08 14:38
Thank you for your help!

Thank you for your help!