iot and smart snippets

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Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17
iot and smart snippets

Hello, I am trying to program my IOT sensor devel kit by following the document UM-B-063. I am programming it
in uart mode using the supplied miniUSB cable for the board. I loaded the hex file into the spi flash programmer
and hit the "connect" button. It prompted me to press the reset button on the board which I did. I then received the
following error:

[INFO @16-06-02 15:42:57] Header records have been removed from hex file wrbl_sfl_583.hex.
[INFO @16-06-02 15:42:57] Read 32688 bytes from file wrbl_sfl_583.hex.
[INFO @16-06-02 15:43:44] Firmware File C:\Users\Craig\SmartSnippets\resources\flash_programmer.bin has been selected for downloading.
(信息@16-06-02 15:43:44]COM5连接端口has successfully opened.
[INFO @16-06-02 15:43:44] Started download procedure...
[ACTION @16-06-02 15:43:45] Please press the hardware reset button on the board to start the download process.
[ERROR @16-06-02 15:44:00] Timeout: Reset signal not detected for more than 16000 msecs.
[INFO @16-06-02 15:44:00] Successfully disconnected from port COM5.
[INFO @16-06-02 15:44:00] Failed downloading firmware file to the board.
[INFO @16-06-02 15:44:00] Failed configuring SPI Flash ports and pins.

The pin configuration setting in the flash programmer screen are:
P0_4, P0_5, 57600 Bd, P1-2
CLK P2.0
CS P2.3
SCL P0.2
SDA P0.3

Any ideas on what could go going wrong?

Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Craig,

Hi Craig,

You are trying to program the IoT with the interface board ? Are you selecting the proper UART port ? Try to switch the board on and off when you are promted to hit the reset button. Also please make sure that you are using the final version of Smart Snippets. Your configuration seems ok.

Thanks MT_dialog

Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17
Yes using the IOT interface

Yes using the IOT interface board. Tried again for two hours today on no luck:
Using: IOT Interface Board
Smart Snippets Ver 3.9
jlink ver 6.0.2601.5
port settings 9600, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit,
device "working properly" in windows device manager

I have the interface board on and the Vdd LED is on. I have tried to download with the
IOT sensor both in the on and off position (the instructions say have it in the off position
but the picture shows it in the on position). I still get the same error as in the previous
Email. Any Ideas? Pretty frustrated...

Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Craig,

Hi Craig,

请确保当聪明的片段开始you select the proper UART port that your dev kit is attached, you have to select the Jlink CDC UART Port (i ve attached some pictures for your reference). Also when you hit the reset button on the interface board, can you see the D4 led lighting up (this indicates that the reset button is pressed and should be lit when you hit the reset button) ? Additionally please try instead of hitting the reset button switching the board off and then on again by using the switch.

Thanks MT_dialog

Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17
Hello, I gave up on the

Hello, I gave up on the previous board and ordered a new one from Mouser. I unpackaged the board and one more followed exactly your
instructions. I do have the UART port set correctly and verified this using the device manager in windows. Here is what I have done in
addition to your directions:
1. The small IOT Sensor is installed CENTERED in the 10 pin connector (the only thing I have heard about this is from your video as
the video indicates you should plug this in centered so I have plugged it in so that the pins all fit into the openings in the
with no pins exposed on either side of the connector.
2. The battery was removed per UM-B-063 Page 13. The switch on the IOT Sensor is turned to OFF or towards the direction of the
previously mentioned connector.
3. The large IOT board is turned off, connected via USB and then turned on.
4. Smart Snippets is loaded, the appropriate selection for USB is made, the SPI Flash facility is chosen and the CONNECT button
is pressed. Upon prompting, I tried to press the reset button and nothing happens, I also tried as you noted to his the reset button
then flip the power switch on the large IOT board. Nothing happened. Finally I tried a couple combinations of the two and nothing

I should also note that this board programs nicely using Keil so it is working that way...Craig

Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Craig,

Hi Craig,

When you are about to program using the IoT you should see the small led on the sensor to light up a bit (thats an indication that the sensor has power), also when you hit the
reset button or the interface board is off you should see the led d4 to light up. Can you see any of these indications ?

Try to hit the reset button (whether the device is programmed or not) when you hit the reset button the blue led on the sensor should light up a bit. If not, something is
wrong with the reset signal, you can also probe the RST pin on J18 and check if you hit the reset button you see a pulse.

Also you can try to use an FTDI chip to check if this problem is something related to the on board Atmel. Connect the FTDI to the J18 UTX/URX and the usb in order to provide
power etc from the normal connection. Then open the Smart Snippets and connect to the virtual com port of your FTDI.

Thanks MT_dialog

Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17
Hello Thank you for your

Hello Thank you for your input. Relative to your note:
"you should see the small led on the sensor to light up a bit" CHECK
" also when you hit the reset button or the interface board is off you should see the led d4 to light up" CHECK
"when you hit the reset button the blue led on the sensor should light up a bit." CHECK

Yet still I get the timeout notice.

Here is something interesting, if I boot Smart Snippets using JTAG instead of UART mode, and I enter
the SPI FLASH PROGRAMMER screen everything appears to be working. In fact I erased the flash which worked and I burned the
flash with the previously compiled HEX and cycled power on the development board, opened the app on my IPHONE and everything
was working.... So I guess I will just boot up into Smart Snippets using the JTAG option from now on.. (unless you tell me otherwise)
because it seems to work.


Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Craig,

Hi Craig,

You can use only the JTAG option, there isn't any downside and this can't affect the burning of your image to your SPI flash, it just seems weird the fact that you can't program via UART, i mean that the programming via UART doesn't require any special handling on the IoT (jumpers, wires, etc), i suppose that this has something to do with the UART of the Atmel on board. If you ever want to find out, use an FTDI to bypass to Atmel's UART.

Thanks MT_dialog

Craig Flanagan
Last seen:1 year 9 months ago
Joined:2016-04-25 20:17
Do you have any documents on

Hi, Thanks for your helpl Do you have any documents on how to use FTDI to bypass or can you give me some details.
Many thanks. Craig

Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Craig,

Hi Craig,

There is no documentation related to this, just connect your FTDI chip to the UTX and URX pins on the right side of your board, plug the RX and TX pins of your FTDI and the power your board through the USB. Open Smart Snippets and use COM port from your FTDI and not from the Atmel processor. You should be able to connect and burn the SPI flash of the device.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:2 years 3 months ago
Joined:2016-07-26 04:48
Shouldn't the fact that Craig

Shouldn't the fact that Craig was unable to program using the UART mode be captured in the documentation or in a Getting Started Guide somewhere ? The learning curve for the sensor is pretty steep and every bit of help for newcomers to this board/chip will help.

Last seen:1 week 3 days ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi aj8uppal,

Hi aj8uppal,

The fact that Craig faced that issue doesn't mean that you can't program the IoT via UART, also exactly what would you like to be documented ? That specific issue could not be replicated by Dialog or any other customer, as far as i know, and thats why isn't mentioned anywhere, it could be due to a damaged board or a driver installation. Are you facing a similar issue ?

Thanks MT_dialog